Updates & GM7 Demo

Posted by SquareWheel on Dec. 12, 2006, 3:18 a.m.

I have been trying to keep focus and continue work on Attack Hell, but I am running into a lot of obstacles. Not with Attack Hell, but with everything else. There are constant distractions that I am trying to ignore. I have to get my priorities right and finish off what I have started. I am the type of guy who loves game design itself but is not dedicated enough to finish off a large project. Even though I love to plan them, I promised myself to not start any more projects until my current ones are complete. I am putting off my Gm Tron game until I complete my "not quite but almost" abandoned projects.

As for the uproar over the new release of the "new and improved" GM7 Demo, I have mixed feelings. I am really enjoying the new extensions package idea and new events/functions, but there are a few small annoyances. For starters, there are many unneeded buttons. How often do I need to create an executable? I think that the global game settings and game information items should be removed from the left hand side, and only be as buttons. To me, the whole add toolbar option and add item buttons at the top are pointless and just take up space, but I suppose some people have gotten used to those so they stay. I wish GM could be further configured. Ah well.

I do like that Mark will be hosting files on his site, although is that a direct upload of your current editable file, will it create an executable and upload that directly, or will it let you select a file to upload from your hard drive?

Theres my two cents in the matter.


Castypher 18 years, 2 months ago

This is probably the 7th or 8th blog about GM7.

Anyway, try to finish your current projects before starting new ones, like you said. You will be a little better off and can focus on one idea.

Ronnica 17 years ago

Thers my two cents in the matter.
I demand much more than two cents.