Do you know me?

Posted by SquareWheel on July 26, 2007, 3:54 p.m.

Do you?

I know most of you, but mostly from reading through games and blogs, and not responding. I'm just curious how many of you actually recognize my name. I have 13 friends, so I know some people know me. Although I have no idea who half of them are. I had 14 at one point, hmm.

Game Maker

I haven't submitted a full game anywhere on the internet in probably over a year. I have improved much since I started out, but I don't really have much to show for it. I am working on a game now though, that will hopefully get finished pretty quickly. I have spent approximately 15-20 hours on it, and I think it's pretty fun. I call it School Yard, and it is almost complete. The game itself is a bunch of mini games based around a highschool kids life. There are 10 levels now, and I don't think I will add any more. I am trying my best to make the game fun, and polished. The minigames include having to get through a hallway without getting beat up or trampled, making it through quiz's without failing, and even winning in a fight at lunch. I probably could have finished this game by now, but I haven't.


Heres the part where I get to whine about how life sucks and all that. But actually life isn't so bad right now. It's summer still, I'm not working at the moment, and I just about finished a game. Life is doing ok, go figure. Well, I am kind of pissed about my site going down. My host's host has died, so my site has died, so my site has died. I had it for free, no ads, tons of space and bandwidth, and a decently fast server. Too bad it isn't working any more. Can anyone suggest a good host that I can start using right away? It needs FTP support as a definite though. Thanks if you know of any.

In Closing

Well, thats it. Too follow some great bloggers, heres some questions:

1. How long have you worked on your longest game for?

2. L33T, or greek?

3. Emo, or grunge?

4. Why did no one tell me that Harry Potter book has been out so long?

5. Name 1 member worthy of HTML privileges who doesn't have them.

Thanks for the hit.


god 17 years, 7 months ago

1. Two weeks straight.

2. American?

3. Er-whats grunge? Type of music, right?

4. Ionno.

5. Drone.

Oh, and I have seen you around.

Juju 17 years, 7 months ago

1) Two months

2) I'm mainly Welsh/English but I do have mediterranian roots as well.. I guess?

3) You can't polarise music.

4) Probably because we assumed that you'd heard about it, unless you have lived under a rock for the last month.

5) Firebird5.

edmunn 17 years, 7 months ago

I know you =]

hogofwar 17 years, 7 months ago

5. marbs

s 17 years, 7 months ago

I know who you are more than you know I know

OL 17 years, 7 months ago

5) Me. Then again, I don't need them, do I?

*evil laugh*

Kenon 17 years, 7 months ago

1. 3 years and I never made an official demo

2. Greek

3. Neither

4. Because Voldemort kills Snape, Ron Marries Hermoine, and Harry marries Ginny.

5. Me, I used to have them, but they were removed after I quit the staff.

Shork 17 years, 7 months ago

Then Harry is shot by the Crips in horrible drive by.

Kaz 17 years, 7 months ago

1. 2-3 months

2. English

3. Grunge I guess

4. You didn't know it was out??? O_O

5. GamePwner lol

flashback 17 years, 7 months ago

I recognize you as the person who intruded on my pm inbox this morning.