Jingle Bells Blows

Posted by SquareWheel on Dec. 9, 2007, 3:30 a.m.


I am so sick of hearing Christmas music. It started in November, and won't let up soon. I suppose that makes this a "rant blog". Now, I have nothing against the song Jingle Bells itself, but when you hear it constantly on TV, in the stores, and on the streets then it gets to much for me. Maybe I'm just growing out of Christmas, but I truly can't stand it any more.


Yeah, I've been slackin all week. Nothing new.


Well, I suppose I've been slackin here too. My grades are slipping to say the least. 48% in math, which means I'll have to do some homework to get back up to passing level. Then I can slack for a while again. My other classes are fine, except maybe Socials. But I'm terrible with names and dates, which is exactly what socials entails. Class has been going a lot slower since my iPod broke.

New PC

Can't wait. A terabyte of space., a Core 2 Quad processor, GeForce 8800GTS, great. Only downsets, the fact that it comes with Vista Ultimes (I suppose this is planning for the future), and the price is 2 grand before speakers or a monitor. =( Sad face. Oh well, still great.

Forum Software

I downloaded the latest IPB software to try it out, and it's actually pretty nice. I'm not sure how it is bugwise yet, but I gave it a database and a nice skin. I'm pretty impressed.

Well, I guess that's my blog. Thanks for reading. I promise to have more exciting news next blog.

Good bye.

(3300 Hits Before Blog)


PY 17 years, 2 months ago

Can I have your PC?

Firebird 17 years, 2 months ago

Bad choice. 1TB Hard drive is nice, can't fault you there.

But the C2Q would probably be a Q6600 (or worse) unless you payed through the nose to get your hands on a C2QX, which I doubt. With the Penryns/Yorkfields, whatever coming out soon that was a bad move.

Also I would have gone for an 8800GT, it's much better than a 8800GTS, but if you have the G92 version of the GTS (only out in Taiwan afaik), it's a little bit better than the GT. Not worth it really. You should have gone for a GT or waited for the 9 series in Feb.

Rob 17 years, 2 months ago

2 grand? Is it pre built or something?

Arcalyth 17 years, 2 months ago

They have terabyte hard drives now? O_o

flashback 17 years, 2 months ago

Have for a while, arc.

Go with an 8800GT or an ATi 3870, better value than the GTS.

Firebird 17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah I'm a NVidia fanboy, wouldn't have even thought about ATI.

flashback 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh, wait a second… This is the HP Pavilion Elite 9080, isn't it?

SquareWheel 17 years, 2 months ago

I've posted the link before.


The processor is Core 2 Quad Q6600(2.40GHz).

Are you guys saying I should get a better graphics card? Or wait for the new series to come out, then order it then?

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Tired of christmas music 'ay? You should go to http://metroidmetal.com/ and hear some of their stuff instead. It's really awesome! (Especially the Halo 3 track)

LoserHands 17 years, 2 months ago

They've had terabyte hardrives for a while. My bro plans on getting one methinks.