List of Things I Hate

Posted by SquareWheel on Jan. 25, 2008, 3:04 a.m.

List of Things I Hate

- World of Warcraft

- Advertisements

- Windows Vista

- The Family Channel

- Paris Hilton

- My space bar and right mouse button, neither of which work

- Properly

- Hannah Montana, she is only riding off her fathers success

- People who are think their "All that"

- Bastards who put files on Limewire under incorrect names

- Smokers

- Static Electricity

- Hypocrites

- Braces

- Old time telephones

- Mouse pads on laser mice

- People who say "Mooses"

- Taking a sexual joke and adding YOUR MOM to the end. Those are only occasionally funny (in my opinion) when taking sentences out of context.

- Close mindedness

- Apple


- The Morning

- McDonalds

- People who say Yo

- YoYoGames, I have nothing against yoyos though

- The lack of grammar in this topic, sorry.

- More to come later

3998 Hits at time of blog


flashback 17 years, 1 month ago

ESA, are you so incomprehensibly foolish as to believe that the only possible operating system choices are MacOS and Vista?

Omega_Squid 17 years ago

My Grandparents have a rotary phone >_>

Polystyrene Man 17 years ago

^That is exactly what I was just about to suggest.

Polystyrene Man 17 years ago

Buttons are gay.
That's a common misconception. Most buttons have no sexual preference (or desires).

ESA 17 years ago

Thanks for enlightening me Poly

F1ak3r 17 years ago

ROTFLMAO!! @Irony Tree

LOL @ESA and Poly

Yahoo @me not doing the bold username thing anymore.

I agree @"Make a list of things you love".