Were going to have a talk...

Posted by SquareWheel on Feb. 7, 2008, 1:39 a.m.

about my iPod.

Now this is me simply ranting about my lovely device here. If you are interested, then feel free to read on.

I got a 8 gig iPod Touch at christmas, and am still thanking Santa Claus. That guy kicks ass. I do have a lot of music, and I wasn't sure if 8 gigs was enoguh but I have about a gig left over after all my music is added. (1500 or so songs) I basically just can't have any movies on, which is ok because I have no desier to watch movies on such a resolution.

Not only does it have a beutiful mp3 player, but it also has a wifi internet browser. Now, this is great but I was saddened when I saw no games came with it. So naturally, I immediatly did a wee bit of research and jail broke it. This was when v1.1.1 was out, and the times were happy. But then *evil music*, v1.1.2 came out. Thus put a stop to people hacking their iTouches and Iphones…for about 3 days. Not long until v1.1.2 was hackable by everyone.

Again, the times were happy. Apple stayed out of the hackers way, and the hackers didn't make total fun of Apple. We were all doing great. Although mid last month, Apple dropped the atom bomb and released v1.1.3.

Yes, you heard me. v1.1.3 was released and people had no idea what was going on. Different versions of hacks came along, some worknig better than others. Some 3rd party applications only worked on specific versions. What were we to do? So in the last few weeks, the hack teams have been working hard and there are some very succesful hacks out for 1.1.3. Infact, there is even an application out that gives us iPod Touch users what only iPhones had until now… Google Maps! It sure is great to look up area 51 from an iPod, I tell you. You feel like your defying the system in so many ways, yet they can't do anything about it. The times are again becoming happier, and maybe in the future world peace will break out.

Good luck to us all.

4225 Hits at time of blog


LunchTime 17 years ago


edmunn 17 years ago

heh, i'm getting a 16gig iPod Touch very very soon. =D

4225 hits? Lucky *** XD

SquareWheel 17 years ago


Heh, that's pretty much what I was going for.

4225 hits? Lucky *** XD

Luck? No wai! A 16 gig Touch sounds good, theres also 32 gigs out now though.

F1ak3r 17 years ago

Fight the man!