List of Things I am at Upset With

Posted by SquareWheel on Feb. 18, 2008, 2:02 a.m.

List of Things I am at Upset With

- Steve Jobs

- Scandia, my local Chucky-Cheese styled business. All of their arcade machines eat your money, and ask for more

- The HC, a forum I frequent, getting "Maintenanced" from a hacker disguised as a noob.

- My webhost only allows one database, which I could be using for so many things.

- 51 of my songs of assorted file formats won't transfer to my iPod.

- Everyone else has an iPod. =(

- My mom deciding moving things around with no warning and then forgetting about was cool.

- Microsoft Sam can't pronounce my name.

- Futureshop won't take Paypal, so I have to transfer my money OUT of Paypal, and into my bank so I can put it on a credit card and pay through that.

- They are raising the prices at my "food store" at school. An extra 25 cents per item can add up quick.

- My stupid text based game isn't reading how many lines of input it's given. I'd appreciate some help with this, if someone wants to offer.

- My current computer can't run MSN and a GM game at the same time.

- 5th graders don't know what a bloody decagon is! (read a previous blog if you are starting to believe I am talking crazy)

- iPhone firmware v1.3.3 is hard to hack

- I don't really have an iPhone, but an iPod Touch.

- I have too many hits. ='(

GearGOD isn't updating Messy Mind, thus I can't find any new cool stuff to do in my spare time

- School is tomorrow

- I think I've run out of funny things to say. I guess that means this is goodbye.

4522 Hits at time of blog


edmunn 16 years, 9 months ago

What is up with the HC?

edmunn 16 years, 9 months ago

And how does Microsoft sam say 'wes'?

Cesar 16 years, 9 months ago

Quote: SquareWheel
-Everyone else has an iPod. =(

-I don't really have an iPhone, but an iPod Touch.
what was the point of the first one?

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Who needs iPods when you can use that waste of flesh they call a brain?

Anyways, count #s subtracted by the count of \#s

Gophri 16 years, 9 months ago

School was today too…

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

-_- I double-blogged it would seem. I was wondering why I didn't get any comments.

Eddy, Microsoft Sam says Wes as "Weese", but I was referring to how it says "Cookinater". Oddly enough SquareWheel sounds fine.

Hmmm, RawrSpoon. I meant I'm not the only one with a cool new toy, a lot of others have similar iPods.

serprex, I use draw_text_ext() to draw it, so I'm not actually using the # sign. (Not always, that is) string_height_ext() doesn't want to work for me either. Here is a better explanation.

Gophri, I don't think I went the day I wrote this blog.

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

Heh, as I search Google for solutions to pay online at Futureshop using Paypal, this blog is on Googles first page. I guess that means I'm outta luck.