List of Things I am at Upset With

Posted by SquareWheel on Feb. 18, 2008, 2:02 a.m.

List of Things I am at Upset With

- Steve Jobs

- Scandia, my local Chucky-Cheese styled business. All of their arcade machines eat your money, and ask for more

- The HC, a forum I frequent, getting "Maintenanced" from a hacker disguised as a noob.

- My webhost only allows one database, which I could be using for so many things.

- 51 of my songs of assorted file formats won't transfer to my iPod.

- Everyone else has an iPod. =(

- My mom deciding moving things around with no warning and then forgetting about was cool.

- Microsoft Sam can't pronounce my name.

- Futureshop won't take Paypal, so I have to transfer my money OUT of Paypal, and into my bank so I can put it on a credit card and pay through that.

- They are raising the prices at my "food store" at school. An extra 25 cents per item can add up quick.

- My stupid text based game isn't reading how many lines of input it's given. I'd appreciate some help with this, if someone wants to offer.

- My current computer can't run MSN and a GM game at the same time.

- 5th graders don't know what a bloody decagon is! (read a previous blog if you are starting to believe I am talking crazy)

- iPhone firmware v1.3.3 is hard to hack

- I don't really have an iPhone, but an iPod Touch.

- I have too many hits. ='(

GearGOD isn't updating Messy Mind, thus I can't find any new cool stuff to do in my spare time

- School is tomorrow

- I think I've run out of funny things to say. I guess that means this is goodbye.

4522 Hits at time of blog


edmunn 17 years ago

What is up with the HC?

edmunn 17 years ago

And how does Microsoft sam say 'wes'?

Cesar 17 years ago

Quote: SquareWheel
-Everyone else has an iPod. =(

-I don't really have an iPhone, but an iPod Touch.
what was the point of the first one?

s 17 years ago

Who needs iPods when you can use that waste of flesh they call a brain?

Anyways, count #s subtracted by the count of \#s

Gophri 17 years ago

School was today too…

SquareWheel 17 years ago

-_- I double-blogged it would seem. I was wondering why I didn't get any comments.

Eddy, Microsoft Sam says Wes as "Weese", but I was referring to how it says "Cookinater". Oddly enough SquareWheel sounds fine.

Hmmm, RawrSpoon. I meant I'm not the only one with a cool new toy, a lot of others have similar iPods.

serprex, I use draw_text_ext() to draw it, so I'm not actually using the # sign. (Not always, that is) string_height_ext() doesn't want to work for me either. Here is a better explanation.

Gophri, I don't think I went the day I wrote this blog.

SquareWheel 17 years ago

Heh, as I search Google for solutions to pay online at Futureshop using Paypal, this blog is on Googles first page. I guess that means I'm outta luck.