I'ma Title, Still Fear Me!

Posted by SquareWheel on May 21, 2008, 2:20 a.m.

So heres some updates that I posted about on my last blog. Replies to blogs aren't allowed, but tell that to the tons of fad blogs. I fronted this one though.


I'm starting to think it's a stomach flu. Took two days off school so far, hopefully I'll be better for tomorrow.
I still don't know what I had, but it was very disorienting at times. I'm all better now though.


I burned an episode of Mythbusters that my teacher was looking for, so maybe he'll be a little easier on me when I miss class.
He gave me a few bucks for the DVD I made up. I suppose getting out of class for a day is asking too much.


I downloaded about 50 songs in the past few weeks. I'm been trying out some more Alternative bands.
Liked a lot of these songs, may get more.

Pretty Lady

Mmmm. =)
Mmmm. =)


Mmm, nothing too much. I did crash my computer more than once on a program I was playing around with though.
I made a few rather neat programs up. One which updates a ds_list full of mouse values every step, and draws lines between all the values. It's essentially a mouse trail effect at the moment, but could be adapted for other uses. I also made a Map Loading program which loads text in human readable form and creates objects in game. Everything is pretty dynamic, so you don't have to enter any values into the text file such as room size.

Four Chans

Oh I almost forgot, every blog nowadays requires at least one 4chan meme. … *Unf Unf*
I can has Cheeseburger? Ohh, what a terrible meme.

5953 Hits at time of blog
6191 Hits at time of blog


SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

Practice. Lots and lots of practice.

Cpsgames 16 years, 9 months ago

And lots more of practice.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Screw practise, just study it as a practice