7 days until a very special PixelGrid were I unvail my secret collection of Pixel Art. Also an interesting page with a collection of some very nice games that I discovered: BusinessWeek Arcade Enjoy.PixelGrid 3
1. Burning_Sunrise(panorama) by raynoa2. He who must not be named by Helm3. Getting smurfed by Ptoing4. Parallel Worlds by iLKke5. Giants of Mississauga by Lackey6. Apocalypse by Slusar_o27. Year of the Donkey by Tremulant8. 0 by Lawrence9. Plague by Evil-Ville
These blogs contain no blog. XD
Thats no donkey.
I've always enjoyed your pixel showcase.
No idea why BusinessWeek has an arcade. I guess that's what CEOs do in their spare time. My blogs will also probably get more content as I start working on a game, but for now, it is mostly a showcase.