[SG] PixelGrid 24

Posted by Stained Glass on Oct. 5, 2008, 7:56 p.m.

I've been really busy this week with Cross Country and haven't made much progress on the game. I did a little this weekend, but I probably won't get anywhere till Cross Country is over. Our team will probably go to state, so I guess it will be another month before I get some free time. Enjoy.

PixelGrid 24

1. Nameless Tiles by Zenobia

2. Megaman on Crack by The B.O.B

3. Workers of all lands unite! by Tomic

4. Stormy Thought by Frost

5. Platforman Game Mockup by xerus

6. Some demon thing I made up by Tremulant

7. Colinas verdes - Weekly Challenge by JinnDEvil

8. Atilus by mozzy

9. Blue is the new Green! by -ViC-


blueBX 16 years, 4 months ago

Another person working their ass of in XC. My first race (actually second but I skipped the first) is on Wednesday.

I should really start visiting pixelation and pixeljoint.

NeutralReiddHotel 16 years, 4 months ago

I should really start visiting pixelation and pixeljoint.
Same here. I have an account on Pixeljoint I've never used…

Juju 16 years, 4 months ago

The edges of those water tiles in image one are dodgey.