SG's Full Trashcan

Posted by Stained Glass on July 24, 2006, 12:40 p.m.

Today I disided to go through all my images and game maker files and delete the ones I never use, which I found is 95% of them. Since I downloaded game maker 1 1/2 ago I have never cleaned out my folders, and man did they need it. Last year I used to make at least 2 new files every day. In total I deleted about 300 files.

I am still searching for that golden idea, but looking through my files today has really reminded me how many good games I have created, but never released, so I might revive one of them.

———Cool images of the day——-

by Kennethfejer

random gba sized mockup.

havent made any mockups in ages, so i decided to do a really colorful and cute one.

I really liked that one, wish I could do graphics like that.

same artist as above

boss for make-believe 2d sidescroller game.

enjoy :)


Acid 18 years, 7 months ago

That is a LOT of files!

And that dragon is awesome.

LauriP 18 years, 7 months ago

I wish that I could do those grafics too =) …should I start practicing pixeling ? Yeah, that's an good idea =D