SG - Candy Corp.

Posted by Stained Glass on July 29, 2006, 11:16 a.m.

Today was awesome because… I made by first script!!!!

Yay, for some reason it meant a big deal to be. I never have even gone into the script editor until today.

I made a script that draws a grid, here is it:

<font face="Courier New" size=1>/////////////////////////////////////////////

// //

// argument 0 = grid size //

// argument 1 = grid length (in squares) //

// argument 2 = grid height (in squares) //

// argument 3 = grid col //

// //


var s,s2;


//———–Horizontal Lines—————-//

for (s=0 ; s<argument0*argument2 ; s+=argument0)


draw_line(x,y+s,x+argument0*argument1 ,y+s)


//————-Vertical Lines—————-//

for (s2=0 ; s2<argument0*argument1 ; s2+=argument0)





//—————Grid outside—————–//

draw_rectangle(x,y,x+argument0*argument1 ,y+argument0*argument2 ,1)


<highlighted using the GML Syntaz Highlighter>

//—————-Best image of the day——————//

by miascugh

"well, this is where pixeldam gets its candy from. it took so much longer than it should have and there still is so much i want to add/change or clean up, but it's reached a somewhat presentable stage now and will be put aside for some time to make way for other projects that are crying for more attention but also to spare my nerves.. it's been getting on em recently :)

credit where credit is due:

thanks to barry, ptoing and ryan for critique, suggestions and supportive words :)

and additional special thanks go out to ptoing for making this ace graffitti for that otherwise empty, empty wall"

42 colors without the pixeldam street

This picture is so big that I have to use a thumbnail for it. (1250 x 738!!)


Acid 18 years, 6 months ago

Whoa… that's awesome. I wish I could sprite like that.

Firebird 18 years, 6 months ago

Woah, that looks freaking cool.