[SG] Watermelons and school

Posted by Stained Glass on Aug. 29, 2006, 6:33 p.m.

Today after my Cross Country practice they gave us watermelons, man they were good. Our practices are at a dam and it was fun throwing them down the ~150 foot drop. After all the watermelons were gone there wasn't much ground that wasn't covered with splatters.

That's right, square watermelons. Some farmers in Japan started growing them using glass boxes. To bad they probably won't be seen around here because they sell for $83 dollars a melon. (Normal watermelons cost about < $5 around here)


In programming news I haven't really been making any game in particular. I ran out of script idea and I am way to distracted by the Internet to work on the Robotron 2084 remake.

If you need an example of anything post it here and maybe I will be able to make one.


Today was my 5th day of school in 8th grade. So far it has been a lot of work, but I like working a lot better than being bored. I have 0 classes with my friends which makes things really boring.

I am also taking Spanish this year to get started on my credit for high school. Plus I am in Algebra 1 to get some more credits. Algebra has been easy because we are doing simple problems with variables.

In language arts the teacher says that bye the end of the year we are all going to be authors. Each week we will write 5-10 pages of writing and we will share our writings. Language arts is going to stink.

In Spanish we have been doing the simple introductory words to a new language. (how are you, good, good day, hello, good-bye, what's your name, ect.) At least I have a good teacher.


If you have noticed I have changed by avatar to the one I use at GMC. I am fond of this avatar and think is works pretty well for me. I might change my banner if I can get a design that I like enough to keep.


Images of the day:

by Ahruon

by AndyOaks

Not a great deal of creativity in this piece (this will be my next project)

but I`m pleased with how it has come out all the same. I tried to give it

a bit more of a hand-painted feel though as apposed to making a straight


All drawn using just a single pixel brush in 16 colours in Pro-Motion.

Here's a link to the WIP animated GIF;


And here's a picture of my reference (although I didn't draw from this

actual .jpg. I drew it from the inlay of the album);




How much to you enjoy reading my blog?

A: Very much

B: It's okay

C: Not very much

D: It's boring, I would rather eat dirt


Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

He's in 8th…

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

Whats the point in putting a watermelon in a glass box!?!
To make them stackable. That's why they do it.

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

that's a good point..

WaleedAmer 18 years, 4 months ago


gamerman 18 years, 4 months ago

XD i want a squar melon

Acid 18 years, 4 months ago

A - Your blogs are awesome.

BTW I'm taking the same exact classes as you and we're in the same grade. Awesome.