soon to be online game

Posted by SteveKB on July 14, 2007, 11:41 p.m.

This is great; Im creating an online game and im almost finished with the first beta version.

all that i need to do after that is get a server running which i can do.

all i want to know is security things like will people beable to hack into my network if i enable file sharing? and if people use my client game could they hack through it to my comp and destroy the files or edit them?

Also my best files are kept on a micro sd card can hacker have acess to it if its connected to my computer whent he servers running?

also if you guys know about any servers that host for free use can you tell me

Any way enough of the security measures let me write about the game.

the game is an online game which is in 360 directional movement the view 90 degress inother word not like mario rpg type forgot the name of those types of games.

It uses a voxel engine this voxel engine is designed for 1 angle only so voxel images are simple and run faster and also aloowed for other advance images that need rotation for 360 degress of rotation.

so in the game you are a person with no limbs so you cant hit people

instead you se magic to kill things..and other players.

if you would like to be a beta tester please send me a message or reply

if you want to be a beta tester please know these things:

the server will be avalible to beta testers between the days of july 21-july28 which is one week(thats a free trial server for me) between the hours of 12pm -8pm eastern time

note: the beta version does not save progress this will be added in leter beta versions


here are some early pics

links because there too big


JID 17 years, 7 months ago

I'll like to be a beta tester!

Shork 17 years, 7 months ago

If it's connected to the internet in any way, a hacker has already got it. You're best files are all over the place by now.

stampede 17 years, 7 months ago

Shork :D

Supremez 17 years, 7 months ago

I'll like to be a beta tester!

bjozzi 17 years, 7 months ago

hmm i guess i could test it for you if you like

SteveKB 17 years, 7 months ago

tahnks for the posts and by the way ive only been testing it through my computer and and going to use code… stop hackers and anyway it cant get copied if put the gmfile on a different type of disk which has password and disconnects from my comp and copying the game is useless and hacking in to change anything is dumb too since it doesnt save anything yet.

also for you beta testers on sunday im going to upload the game and enable server status for the game. the server will be up during 12pm to 8pm estern american time lke georgia time, for a whole week. i will pm the beta testers a copy when it is finished and you might even get it before the server is up