Online now I think

Posted by SteveKB on July 22, 2007, 4:32 a.m.

O.k. so I've done everything that I need to do to get it online now I need U to test it also just, so you know I set the limit of palyers to 6 so you might not get untill I tell people to get off if i need to or I'll just restart the server.




O.k. the way it works

1. After the game connects the screen will have a join button DONT PRESS it yet, instead press space first to enter a 'username' then press Ok, now you can press join.

2. When you join no one will be there then after a few seconds poeple will pop up

3. Controls

space=make arrow appear on head (early equipment design).


Click= To move towards the area where you clicked.

Press enter to begin typing and again to stop.

Press Backspace while typing to delete entire message.

Press esc to exit only.

Hope you enjoy and sorry about the limit i'mdesigning speed test later


so please tell me if it works ill updat this blog if the games full or not.

heres the address

2nd try

if its not online then im screwed but i checked my model # of the connection and it should work

remmeber limit 6 players at a time-reason havent set up special speed test to see how so your computer is because if you comp is too slow it will mess up the game.

it will be very easy to tell who i am i have black sparkles generating on me

also make sure that you remember that the server will be up during 12pm-8pm georgia time right now im there so try now

please comment if it works or not

fixing grammer mistakes :3

just so you know what your going to eventually get even if the online part doesnt work ive uploaded the othe room without the online part


SteveKB 17 years, 7 months ago

wow thanx i guess thats just the begging though most of this week i had been testing the player id bugs. and about the website you put there its odd to me my comp says that my ip address is very different from the one on that site.. well maybe its the correct ip addres of a differenet connection and i try to fix the server again thanx

Austin 17 years, 7 months ago

I will bet just about anything you are trying to get use to connect to your network IP.

SteveKB 17 years, 7 months ago

i have a question what connection type do would you recommend you think the othe online games are using?

SteveKB 17 years, 7 months ago

oh well i guess this game wont go online till i get money to buy a server without a network and pay for another line but untill then im going to continue making the game better

so this game should be funtional in about 6 years max unless i get donations which i will enable soon

Austin 17 years, 7 months ago

I have a really big feeling you won't work on this game for more than 6 months to a year. Definitely not 6 years. And why don't you just use your computer? If you have a router, then just forward ports.

SteveKB 17 years, 7 months ago

doesnt that cost more money? and if it does then i pay when i can

SteveKB 17 years, 7 months ago

ports are a problem im going to set up a non routered server soon ill post it in a blog and ill try to test it befora then.

until then ill update the games features and give prevs

Nighthawk 17 years, 7 months ago

"No session available to join" [=(]

SteveKB 17 years, 7 months ago

srry about that so question to get the game to work here should i get a non router connection? does this allow for non port forwarding?

and if so please tell me what the server exe should connect to also i donnot wish to use the 39dll for its player limits is lower than i want it.

if you manage to help me get this to work or can give me a server to connect to i give you game master status

also i will soon post this game as a project so you can see how its doing online.

ive already organized everything for online all i need now is the get connections over the internet.