CraZy CyTe64 and pic of my cat

Posted by SteveKB on June 5, 2008, 3:33 p.m.

I would like to show you a pic of my cat.

he is so prettyful

This site has gone insane, the mods changing there names in the online list and the descriptions, the wierd and scary front page video, and the thing under the filemanager, and some new bb64 codes.

It looks as though the Admins are finally doing some work, They should also let you change your page heading from things like Meow44's page.

I'm still working on my own fps, while working on a modelor which now can add textures, now for the normals…

And yes I finally have a lot of hits, thank you everybody!

I just need 10 more hits to get 2838324219562938568263252340913461192342353000! yay I'm so excited


SteveKB 16 years, 8 months ago

… but i remember doing that myself?