Acclaim: Top Secret

Posted by Stuch on April 4, 2007, 6:05 a.m.

About a month ago I signed up to be apart of Acclaims new project 'Top Secret'.

Basically, they're looking for ordinary members of the public with interest in game development to help them out and create a new game. That they will then publish.

There is also a few job positions up for grabs, David Perry the lead design and development guru is expected to hire a few people right out of the forums.

Currently there is something like 25,000 people signed up, so it's the biggest development team in history.

I'm suprised i haven't heard that much about it around here, maybe everyones busy on their own games?

They've decided to go with a 'racing genre' and as with most Acclaim games, it'll be an MMO.

Everyone can join, and obviously not everyone will contribute but it's great to be a part of and see how these types of games get developed. Their forums come packed with loads of info on industry tools ect. It's pretty interesting stuff.

Quote: David Perry
I'm inviting YOU to help me make a brand new MMO PC game. I have a fully funded development team ready now to start producing this game.

Here's the deal:

For one lucky individual, whoever shines most during the games development, is going to get a major project to direct, a fully funded MMO guaranteed to be published by Acclaim.

The new director will get royalties from their game, and I personally will be their Exec. Producer.

Better still, everyone who gets content into the finished game will get verifiable major MMO credit and experience on their resume.

If your interested go to

Anyone else involved in this?


RetroVortex 17 years, 10 months ago

Acclaim has got a good thing going here.

This will rasie their much needed PR by loads,

plus to me this sounds interesting, but I've got my own things to worry about…

Faceable 17 years, 10 months ago

I got this a awhile back i was going to sign up then i thought if they pick my idea i wont have any free time i would be setting on my butt on here and i like to be my own boss on my game making. Maybe thats why i never finish anything. o o well i more space i use up will make me get a better pc hopefully.

frenchcon1 17 years, 10 months ago

Guess how hot I am!

s 17 years, 9 months ago
