Quote: David Perry
I'm inviting YOU to help me make a brand new MMO PC game. I have a fully funded development team ready now to start producing this game.Here's the deal:For one lucky individual, whoever shines most during the games development, is going to get a major project to direct, a fully funded MMO guaranteed to be published by Acclaim.The new director will get royalties from their game, and I personally will be their Exec. Producer.Better still, everyone who gets content into the finished game will get verifiable major MMO credit and experience on their resume.
Acclaim has got a good thing going here.
This will rasie their much needed PR by loads,plus to me this sounds interesting, but I've got my own things to worry about…I got this a awhile back i was going to sign up then i thought if they pick my idea i wont have any free time i would be setting on my butt on here and i like to be my own boss on my game making. Maybe thats why i never finish anything. o o well i more space i use up will make me get a better pc hopefully.
Guess how hot I am!