Posted by SumoDeUno on May 9, 2007, 5:29 p.m.

If you actually looked at this blog, thanx.

Recently, after playing KoL for 3 hours, I decided on a whim to create a game like it. But, not with GM(sorry). I have a few things done. There's some text that tells info, and you choose what you wanna do. Idk if I'm gonna put character login, inventory, etc. But I might have where you put in a code to get to a certain point. Like if the game gets so long that it takes more than a bit to beat, and I still haven't put in saves and stuff, then I'll give each page a code and on the front page, you type in the code and it takes you directly to the page with that code. So yeah, I've only showed it to 1 person, but I think 3 have seen it. The 1 guy is the only 1 to comment me on it. So, here it is:

<a href="" target="blank">BGE</a>'


First, recently, I've been hacking Google a lot. I found out a lot of secret information such as credit card info, soc.sec., and all that, but instead of using that to buy porn(lol), I sent e-mails to the websites to update their security and stuff. Also, I've been hacking into the network security cams. there's a tutorial on youtube, i think, (there should be). It's real fun cuz you get to move the camera and stuff and sometimes people will notice the camera moving and put it back in position just to walk away and turn around and see it moving again. real fun. Also, I recently mustered up enough courage to tell my friend that I really liked her. I didn't ask her out, I just told her. And guess what, it turned out well. We're still good friends and we both took the info very well. I'm happy. But before that, about a month ago, another girl and I decided to get to know each other for a month and see how it went. Well, I completely forgot, and told this girl that I liked her, 2 days before me and the one girl were supposed to talk about how we felt during the month. So I was super paranoid that if she liked me too, that I would break the one girls heart because we had been giving it a month and I broke it before the month. Well, the girl that we givin it a month with, is going to be in Mexico the day that the month is up, so IDk, if we gonna talk or not. We live really close to Mexico(So.Texas) so she won't be gone for long, but IDK.

Well, did I tell you about this HTML-Adventure game I am working;sdjf;lasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjd;flkjsadl;fksjad;fksadflks

<a href="" target="blank">BGE</a>


Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

Wrong. My name is not your name here.

Xxypher 17 years, 10 months ago

…But my name is My name here

shawn 17 years, 10 months ago

Who's that in your avatar >_>

twisterghost 17 years, 10 months ago

Wires down


Don't go near…


Get some help, BETTER RUSH

And do not, do not, do not touch!

BGE knows what is best!

Call on us, thats our request!

And do not, do not, do not touch!

*A message from BGE*

god 17 years, 10 months ago

Kingdom of loathing?

Pretty fun, I used to play it…

!ninja… are you serious?

Lethal 17 years, 10 months ago

Who's that in your avatar >_>
Thats [url='Brien/index.shtml]Conan.[/url]

kevboh 17 years, 10 months ago

You could do this much more easily in some other language.

javascript, maybe?

SumoDeUno 17 years, 10 months ago

yup, it is Conan fo' sho!!!

and I know I could but I am only 14 so I have a heavy schedule with me parents, school, girls(lol), Orchestra, etc.

And I have a bit of trouble with javascript. And I think the service that I get the website free through disables javascript or something. Maybe you could help?

And TG…WTF!?