'Planet Of The Vegetables' finaly done

Posted by Supremejosh on Feb. 25, 2006, 8:27 p.m.

I have finaly managed to finish my game. It is about a person that walks and drives around city and kills vegetables in disturbing ways. I am glad it is done because now I can actually make something that isn't crap with the skills I have aquired along the drawn out development of this game. Anyway, if you are interested you can find my game on the game section of 64Digits. If you think I am crazy because I made a game with evil vegetables, you are probably correct.


Kenon 19 years ago

Ummm.. 4 logs in 1 day.

Supremejosh 19 years ago

Yeah thats cause I had another blog and I decided to delete it and move it here.

firestormx 19 years ago

In other to give other blogs a chance in the "recent blogs" list, I'm going to uncheck the "display in recent blogs" checkbox for your other blogs.

Anyway, welcome to 64digits. =)

frenchcon1 18 years, 5 months ago
