G-Creator 1.0 m1

Posted by T G M G on Nov. 29, 2007, 1:58 p.m.

First some history:

On December 2004, G-Java was released. It was designed to work with Game Maker.

However, as of Game Maker 7, G-Java was no longer allowed to use the Game Maker system, and it has evolved to a new revolutionary game making system.

The first milestone of G-Creator 1.0, codenamed «Aurora», is now released after a long long way.

Almost 3 years after the first release of G-Java, it has finally became independent and ready to make the game development even easier and more powerful.

Milestone 1 means the first official preview to show the community how is G-Creator.

Unfortunately, Milestone 1 is not yet ready for game development. It is still needing some additional features and bug fixes(such as the sound system).

G-Creator comes with G-Java and G-C# already installed to make the user experience as easy as possible.

G-Creator is licensed under GPL v3 (and G-Java and G-C# as LGPL), that gives many more rights than most licenses.

G-C++ will also be avialable in a later milestone/beta.

We are looking for java,c++,c# and even gml programmers. Also doc writers/ website programmers.

If you are an advanced gml programmer and know how to write scripts that do the same as gml inbuilt function, e.g functions to modify x and y values for action_bounce gml function.

We are planning a new milestone every month so you can expect m2 before the end of the year.

The site:



T G M G 17 years, 3 months ago

Opengl is a good choice, that is what we are using for g-java (G-java uses native librarys from lwjgl, jmonkey and slick)

We will also be using opengl for 3d in g-c++ and probably g-c# but I don't know anything about c# so thats a guess.

It looks (from Dylan's blog) like you are trying to get a end of 2007 release, the exact same time as g-creator 1.0 m2, it will give us the push to make m2 really somthing ;)

Also are you actually going to attempt functions like execute_file ?

s 17 years, 3 months ago

They're pondering an optional interpreter mode that would be developed with the debug mode. But for a compiled version they would most certainly not include such things

OL 17 years, 3 months ago

Good luck with the project.

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

execute_file can be done through C#, right?

T G M G 17 years, 3 months ago

Why don't they use the power of the C++ debugger?

Thanks OL :)

execute_file can be done through C#, right?[/qiote]

Depends if you create a gml interpreter in c# or not, if not you can not execute gml in c#.

JoshDreamland 17 years, 3 months ago


execute_file and execute_string will have to be done for one reason or another. But I am of course going to STRONGLY advise against it, especially after what we've all seen.

Luckily, I believe strings are stored funny in C, so no one can just open in notepad and steal the uncompiled shit. However, it will be vulnerable to more than a couple programs I have lying around, so to keep it safe I'll probably allow for custom encryption and/or exclude the encryption scripts from anything open source.

Either way, the interpreter would be required for debug mode. But having it in game will produce so many vulnerabilities…

T G M G 17 years, 3 months ago

Thats one reason I decided to make my own language rather than use gml, people would expect functions like that.

Is it possible for it to only compile the functions you actually use?

JoshDreamland 17 years, 3 months ago

Yes. It will be primarily selective. Of course, if they want the interpretor, I'll just pack it all in there.

But normally, I plan to make only the used libraries compile in with it.

s 17 years, 3 months ago

Anyone who uses the interpreter will be shot, twice

JoshDreamland 17 years, 2 months ago

Yes, shoot them, then cut out there tongues, then shoot their tongues! >:3