G-Creator needs a motto/slogan for marketing purposes.
It should be a sentence that attracts the user's attention.The original topic may be found here: http://forums.g-java.com/index.php?showtopic=6638If you can't decide between two or more options, you may divide your vote(50% X, 50% Y)Here are the available options:1) "The revolution in indie gaming"2) "Easy for everyone"3) "Simple, Powerful, Yours"4) "Simple, Powerful, Free"5) "Your Games, Your Freedom, Your Program"6) "All our base are belong to you."7) "Easy Java Development for the masses"8) "Easy Game Development for the masses"9) "Indie Gaming for the Universe"10) "A new sensation in Game Creation"11) "A new level of Game Creation"12) "t3h pwnag3"13) "A new stage of Game Creation"14) "Your Program, Your Creations, Your Power"15) "The Revolution"16) "Simplicity just a few clicks away"17) "Raising dreams"ThanksWe are making great progress with g-creator and now have a new programmer for G-C++! At the moment we are working on the API.
Uhh, lol this will get spammed with ENIGMA supporters.. XD
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ChIkEn is right…
<font color=green>12) "t3h pwnag3"</font>
That get's my vote.Nah, what Poly said.6. :D
2) Easy for everyone
12.5% to 17, 9.548*pi% to 3, 52.7472341235366546235123412334123% to 8, and the rest to Shadow Yoshi's dick
"G-Creator, make games sooner rather then later."
G-Creator "Powerfully free."