Raccoons to Power!!!

Posted by TCHRacoon on May 10, 2007, 2:02 p.m.

Raccoons are cool coz…

1. They are cute, they sit on top of your head and scratch your eyes out. (quoted from Arnold [:P]

2. They are very intelligent. Far more intelligent then YOU for example.

3. We wouldn't be able to live without them because they actually are protectors of the earth. (If you do not believe it, you can test it by murdering all Raccoons and make fur coats)

4. They just rule!!!

5. With one C they make good music too…

This can't be questioned by anyone because everything which is on the internet is true. Everything!!!. Like this thing about pinapplebombs

But, this is what I see on the internet:

This coat is made out of Raccoon fur!!!

This is discusting, who would kill such sweet and harmless animals. Why can't you make fake fur. This is the stupidest thing I've seen in my life. Where would we be without Raccoons???. I want to make coats out of people who do this to Raccoons. I will hunt them down and destroy them all. In the name of Raccoons.


This site is really helpfull to noobs. I've learned a lot. Like making links putting in pictures,some tips about gamemaking. new English words like sanity and many many more. I even know that it isn't noob but newb. I thought those where the same thing.


melee-master 17 years, 9 months ago

Rob, goats eat your furniture. And they're Satanic.


who would kill such sweet and harmless animals

Raccoons are far from harmless.

chiggerfruit 17 years, 9 months ago

<img src="http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en-commons/thumb/1/11/210px-Pentagram.gif">

Anyways, if you haven't heard, PETA has 3 more fur is dead posters and that State of the Union Undress video. I'm not gonna link anymore for our host's sake so go google 'em.

Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

I use a live trap with sardines to catch racoons on the farm becuase they eat chickens, pigs, and goats. Racoons are cute and intellegent, and would make excellent pets if they weren't busy killing stuff. I used to use a steel plate to hold the bait in the trap, but one day I get there and the trap is holding a 40 pound coon and a pile of shredded metal. That bastard tore apart a steel plate!!! A STEEL PLATE!!!

Scott_AW 17 years, 9 months ago

That is a rather lovely coat though.

TCHRacoon 17 years, 9 months ago

@ Rob

you allways make the comments big, why???

Goats are my second favourite animals. They have a huge wisdom. I love them!