Dance lessons

Posted by TCHRacoon on June 15, 2007, 8:16 a.m.

>>I haven't written a blog in ages so I decided to write one again so. Here is is:

In PE we had to make our own lesson and teach it to the rest of the class. It was pretty cool because allmost everybody did cool things. The boys did things like football and dodgeball and that kinda stuff. And the girls chose things that everybody liked, jumping on a… uh… ?trampoline? (how do you say that in English) and summersaults. Except for 2 stupid girls who decided to do dancing lessons. Everybody hated them for that, they weren't popular anyway but still, and said they sucked.

Well, a coupla weeks later it was their turn to do the lesson. But to my great amazement the lesson wasn't so boring as I expected. It was pretty cool. This was because their was a girl from an other class as well. And picked me for dancing. Guess what. She was gorgeous, and a real good dancer .Which I wasn't, I sucked at dancing, but who cared. It was great fun dancing with her. I guess that Im going to ask her for a date when I meet her again. I hope she wants to.

But anyway, there's an important lesson in this:

Dancing Sucks!!!!!

>>Different subject, the site is back!!! but still buggy like fireflyX(whats the point in butting all X's behind your name?) said. But I hope it will be fixed soon. I think that in the mean time, siince people finally had time to make one, lots of games where started or made. I'm looking forward to seeing them!


Relex 17 years, 8 months ago

AHHH OMG!!! MY EYES!!! CO… CO… COMI… COMIC SANS AHHHRRGG!!! *averts eyes*……………….*recovers eyes* anyway… dancing doesnt suck! comic sans sucks!

marbs 17 years, 8 months ago

<a href="">Ban Comic Sans!</a>

stampede 17 years, 8 months ago

No… WRYYYYYY?! Change your font immediately.

TCHRacoon 17 years, 8 months ago

WTF is wrong with comic sans. Well anyway i'll change it.

BTW got nothing better to do than wining bout fonts. Coz you guys are doing it evry time!

sirxemic 17 years, 8 months ago

whats the point in butting all X's behind your name?
Because the X is cool!

Quote: Marbs
Ban Comic Sans!
WTF!? That site exists!?

Well anyway i'll change it.
Still waiting…

TCHRacoon 17 years, 8 months ago

Can't change coz the site's not working.

Think before you say something.

By the way

Your Username is g..

Hint: it rymes

Just change it back to Creator or something

FireflyX 17 years, 8 months ago

whats the point in butting all X's behind your name?
It sounds cool. Theres Firestormx, Jakex, blueboyx, athamx, frenchconx so why not… fireflyx

chiggerfruit 17 years, 8 months ago

Things only suck when they can't be done well.

TCHRacoon 17 years, 8 months ago

Thats true FGFK, I guess I suck at dancing and dancing it self doesn't suck.

@ FireflyX, Immitating people because you want to be cool is pretty pointless

Put a S behing your name or something, that would be original

FireflyX 17 years, 8 months ago

What like FireflyS?