[TDOT] New project

Posted by TDOT on Nov. 2, 2007, 4:28 p.m.

Hello again. Been a while since I've blogeed anything :S . Well, I'm taking a break from the torments of geo wars and grids (and C++), and I'm going to have some fun with a new side-project. The game is called BattleZone: New Target (working title), and it's based completely around a game I was making a few months ago. The game is a side-scrolling shooter in which you play as a simple (graphic wise) little dude that runs through the level, and blows the shiznits out of whatever he sees. You use the mouse to aim and fire, and the WASD keys to move. So far I've done a decent amount of work on it. I've got most (if not all) of the main character anims done. They just might need some tweaking after I've entered the fine tuning process. I've also got the basic movement engine and collisions working. Working on the weapons and ammo system. Right now, I've programmed the shotgin and the battle rifle into useable weapons. I'm using only one bullet object for the shell based weapons, and I've programmed the shotgun and BR firing sequences. The shotgun fires five bullets in a random direction, but inside a general area. This helps make the shotgun a close-up weapon. The BR fires 4 rounds in a burst. The BR is much more accurate and only varies at a max of 2 degrees. Anyway, I plan on adding plenty of different weapons and levels, and hopefully get a simple 1on1 multiplayer working over the net. Should have screenies sometime tomorrow :D

Thanks for reading my ramblings, and see you next time.


JoshDreamland 17 years, 3 months ago

Heh, that's pretty neat. I like games with instant bullets, does this have them?

Either way, good luck with your project.

TDOT 17 years, 3 months ago

lol, not to sound like a noob or anything, but what are instant bullets??