[TDOT]Still Working

Posted by TDOT on Nov. 7, 2007, 8:51 p.m.

Yup, still working at it. I'm slowly getting the ammo system implemented. Right now I'm down to a problem with reloading. Once that's outta the way, the ammo system is as good as finished and I can start on something else. Been trying to decide whether or not to add slopes onto the levels. It's not that big a deal, but it could make the gameplay more interesting. Once I get the main engine done (shooting, ammo system, and various other things), I'm gonna start work on my AI. I'm thinking of giving them 2-3 "difficulty" levels. Easy will be an AI that is just sorta run and gun (and has bad aim). Medium will be amost the same but with better aim, and will sometimes seek cover. Hard will have nearly precise aim, and will always try for the cover route. It'll also change strategy depending on what gun it's using. E.g. Sniper will stay near a high ledge and wait for it's target. I think I finally settled on "BattleZone: New Contact" as the title. Have a bunch of ideas to add into the game once I get to where I can add extra stuff. Once of which is grenades and smoke bombs. Smoke bombs will be very useful if I implement multiplayer. In CTF especially. After I get the AI done, I decided I would write up my particle system and get some decent effects going. Maybe add empty casings flying out of a weapon when it fires. Anyway, I may post a demo sometime soon, just so I can get an outside oppinion on the movements and controls. On a final note, me and Inf1u3nza are joining up to make a counter strike inspired game (though not a straight clone of the game), so keep an eye out for that.



F1u 17 years, 3 months ago

Yah smoke grenades would be amazing in multiplayer, but would be a little more difficult to pull of in single player.

FireflyX 17 years, 3 months ago

I don't think they would be that hard in single player. You just perform a check to see in the player instance is at a certain distance and if it is then make the enemy throw it.

F1u 17 years, 3 months ago

I mean incorporating the fact that the enemy cant see the player if he is in smoke.

TDOT 17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, single player smoke grendades will make the AI a little more complicated, but I think I have it covered. I'll most likely have a global variable called "hidden" that I'll set to true if the player is in a collision cirlce around the smoke. The AI will just check when and if that variable is true, and run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Except the hard difficulty will try and take a few shots into the smoke anyway, but they'll be randomized bullet trajectories.