New project=Grapple

Posted by TDOT on Dec. 26, 2007, 5:25 p.m.


Working on grapple….just read the"Grapple" section.


Uh, still not much, this blog is focused around GRAPPLE, so just go read that mmk?


….what? You don't wanna read about Grapple? Well, Helix is still in the works. Not much to report there. Now…GO READ GRAPPLE!


Ah, here we go. Ok, well, since I forced you down here (I suppose I should appologize for that xD) here's the low-down on Grapple.


It's a standstill in a marathon of war. An odd time of peace. While the citizens, grateful for the lapse in constant fighting, enjoy themselves and their families, the U.S. government uses this time to gain an advantage. A new pet project you could say. Ten scientists, secretly drafted into the project code named "Thief in the Night", are brought to a classified location to begin work on this strange new project. They are instructed that they are to genetically create a creature. Possibly a new species that will turn the tide of the global war. They are given a month, the estimated length of this momentary silence, to create a complete specimen. With only this instruction, and very few, but strict guidlines, the creative minds are left to their work.

Approximately two weeks later, they create a specimen, only to find it's molecular structure collapsed in the oxygen enriched air of Earth's atmosphere. But with this failure, they've created the machines, and ingredients needed to produce more specimens. All that remains is the correct combination of these "ingredients". Within the next week they create many specimens, all with their strengths and flaws. Each is tested….all die. The last of these creatures made in week three, is an odd looking specimen. Comprised of a large green (still unsure of color) head, small body, large feet, and no upper limbs whatsoever, they are less then impressed. They put the creature through phase one of the test, "Physical dexterity and Mental Stabillity"…an obstacle course (how-to-play level in the game) which tests both the wits of the specimens as well as their strength. Amazingly, the creature makes it through. It appears that the creature, though lacking in vocal communication, has a fully utilized brain, with twice the power and capacity of all ten scientists put together. Because of this, it has telekinetic powers. Excited about this new experiment, they put the specimen into the next training area. "Reflexive Durabillity"…live fire training. A test which has advancing levels of fire power directed at the specimen. As they watch, the creature seems to place a forcefield around itself. Which stop the bullets completely and drops them. The creature, with it's imeasurable brain power, has already concluded axactly what's going on though it's only been in existance for 30 minutes. During the next phase of the test, enhanced infra-red lasers are fired at the creature. the creature absorbs the attack and re-directs it at the specially designed blast shields containg the training room.


After this the next level is escaping the complex.


I plan on having relatively simple graphics, without sacricing the visuals of the game.


Levels will designed with a puzzle theme in mind more-so then run n' gun.


So far I only plan on having 3 powers.

Grapple, launches a telekinetic "chain" towards the mouse. The "hook" at the end of the chain will stick to almost anything, and will then allow Grapple to swing on this chain.

Shield, creates a protective bubble arounf grapple stopping nearly avery attack.

Re-direct, absorbs an energy attack and redirects it towards the mouse.

I'm working on the game as much as possible, and hope to have a beta up within the next month. I'll post more on the game as it comes so check back every now and again. I'd love to hear other ideas and suggestions about what to do with the game.


(Holy CRAP! That's the longest blog I've ever typed!)


F1ak3r 17 years, 1 month ago

It sounds interesting. Can't wait to play it!

Killpill28 17 years, 1 month ago

I would love to play this, I was making a TD game kinda like this.

FireflyX 17 years, 1 month ago

btw does TDOT stand for "that dude over there"?

TDOT 17 years, 1 month ago

@FireFly, yeah, it does. Any particular reason for the question?