Anyone up for a beta testing?

Posted by TDOT on Jan. 30, 2008, 9:13 p.m.


Life's pretty much the same as yesterday. Did another workout (shoulders and arms), and my arms are having trouble moving now.


Absolutely nothing since last blog.


Still coming along nicely. Re-did the tables so they look a bit nicer. Might need to tweak them just a teeny bit more. Oh, and for those of you who wanna know what it looks like, it's green on black BG, made to look like an old computer (or general techy look).


Gungus is going WAY too smoothly. It's coming together better and faster then any other game I've ever made. Not really that many bugs to work out (with what's done). Very happy with progress.

Need some Beta Testers:

..for Gungus. If you're interested in beta testing the game just let me know, either through comment, PM, or E-mail ( If you don't know what Gungus is and want to before you decide to test, here's a quick overview.

Massive scale exploration game (though small right now) in which you travel between planets. Has a special 360 degree planet movement engine inspired by Super Mario Galaxy. Plarform game.

You can read a previous blog to get a better idea about what it's like. I have around 5 places open for beta testers (already have 2), so it'll be first come first serve.

And finally, the schedule, which I recently extended…


1.Tweak Jumping

2.Tweak between planet jumping

3.Tweak 360 degree movement engine

4.Write nearest surface script.

5.Sprite small "filler" planets.

6.Work on spacecraft travel.

7.Start work on character-by-character text engine.

8.Tweak craft travel.

9.Tweak C-by-C text engine.

10.Finish craft travel. - WIP

11.Perfect C-by-C text engine.

12.Begin work on seamless room changes.

13.Tweak room changes.

14.Begin work on planet entry (for massive planets with atmosphere).

15.Begin work on planet take-off (same as above)

16.Perfect room changes.

17.Tweak planet entry.

18.Tweak planet take-off.

19.Tweak 360 degree movement engine.

20.Perfect planet enty.

21.Perfect planet take-off.

22.Start civvy AI.

23.Start ship AI.

24.Start ship auto-pilot functions.

25.Start enemy AI.

26.Start enemy + ship AI.

27.Tweak civvy AI.

28.Tweak ship AI.

29.Tweak ship auto-pilot functions.

30.Tweak enemy AI.

31.Tweak enemy+ship AI.

32.Create massive test level.

33.Send game to beta testers.

34.Perfect civvy AI.

35.Perfect ship AI.

36.Perfect enemy AI.

37.Perfect enemy + ship AI.

38.Begin game dev.



Tasm 17 years ago

It looks like you've got your work cut out for you.

Sounds like it'd be great, if you can pull it off.

TDOT 17 years ago

If I don't pull it off, I give 64D permissionn to beat me unmercifully.

Jaxx 17 years ago

We don't need permission <_< Haha.

marbs 17 years ago

That's one big schedule, although, points 17 to 37 could probably be condensed down quite a bit :P

TDOT 17 years ago

@Jaxx, yeah, I kinda figured. But I thought it'd be nice if you all knew I'd welcome it [=D]

@Marbs, Yeah, but I have to keep it mixed up so that I don't lose interest. As long as I'm doing something a little different each time, I'll stay into the game.

Amarin 17 years ago

I guess I'll do it if I can. =)

TDOT 17 years ago

Sweet, so that makes 3. Anyone else? Two slots (possibly more) left.

SteveKB 17 years ago

one question, is the game in 2d or 3d. I would assume 2d because of the 360 degree engine you mentioned but you also refered to super mario galaxy so i'm not so sure.

I would also like to be a partial beta tester either way

TDOT 17 years ago

It's 2D. If make a sequal, I may attempt a 3D game with it, but for now, 2D is enough for me. Great, so that makes 4 testers. Any other takers?

Distortion 17 years ago

Too smoothly? What's too smoothly?