
Posted by TDOT on May 1, 2008, 4:48 p.m.

Ok, so I have a slight lack of productivity on just about everything. But I has a reason!

1. I've been really busy with my schoolwork as of late, and also just stuff that's been going on.

2. My parents, in an attempt to lower my time on the comp, restricted me to getting on only AFTER my dad gets home from work, which is around 5:00 PM.

But yeah, I have free reign on the weekend.

So I'm liking XNA. Messed with it for about 10 min today and came up with this…

So I can now draw on the screen :p

Getting used to the MAJOR difference between something like GML/the GM GUI and C# is surprisingly fun. Reminds me of back when I was just trying to get GM to work for me =D

The only thing I don't like is having stuff already present when I start a new project. Yeah, it's nice for now since I'm learning and stuff, but I plan on figuring out all the stuff included so that I can write it myself. I'm weird like that XD

I hope to have a progress report on my XNA stuff from here on out.

Hmm…short blog…ah well.

Blog says "Bai"


And yes I know the caption is miss-spelled. I'm just too lazy to fix it.


DesertFox 16 years, 8 months ago


Alehkhs 16 years, 8 months ago

Ah, parents: the scorn of the computerborne…

It's awesome to see that your are active in multiple languages (and have learned how to make a gmae in XNA!).

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Man, I love that colour.

Cornflower blue is WAY better than GM's gray.

XNA is great, eh?

TDOT 16 years, 8 months ago

Yes! I made a gmae in XNA! Yeah, that blue kills GM's gray. XNA rocks.