
Posted by TDOT on May 10, 2008, 10:07 p.m.

Yup. I'm bored. This blog was spawned from boredom (and the fact that I don't wanna do my English >.< ). It's about 10:40 as of this moment typing. I should probably make some content now…

So, I've still been messing around with XNA. Slowly grasping an idea of how things go. I've really been messing with some simple rectangle collision checking and seeing what I can come up with. It's been fun.

I've been pretty busy with GM as of late. Trying to slow down a bit from my two main projects, and give my head some time to slow down from the constant numbers n' such.

I've actually gotten some inspiration from a few HD trailers and games I've seen in the past couple weeks. Most of which are extremely colorful. Funny thing is, I'm merging this inspiration from the bright primary colors, with the sort of movement from Assassin's Creed. Ok….bad example. Just think along the lines of parkour type moves. Lot's of climbing and jumping and (hopefully) speed.

I'm also hoping to figure a way to incorporate co-op gameplay into it so i can try entering it into the competition. I'm not gonna say it;s a competition game because I'll only enter it if I think it's at a completed enough state.

Wow, MORE GM. So my brother was complaining about how he thought GM was too hard (he's 9 just so you know). So I told him I'd make it easier on him. I'm in the process of creating a game maker of sorts for him. Before I get screamed at for doing something so stupid with GM, it's only so he can make simple games. I'm not programming a new language or anything :p . The way I hope to have it work is to have "D&D" that will add a script_execute* code to a file. This file(s) will be run like a script and then run the game. I'll also have a crude graphics system for him to add the sprites he made. I've almost got it to a place I can test some stuff out.

Well, I've been further inhibited by my parents….they actually made the move to cut down my weekend comp time. I get around 2 hours, which sucks cause I practically live on this thing. I got lucky today in that my dad let me on for the rest of the day for cleaning up the porches.

The dynamic duo, F1ak3r and ESA, are teaming up again to make a space SHMUP. F1ak3r getting things done with the programming, and ESA providing the artistic touch with his graphics and music. It looks to have hope of being much fun. Click on over to F1ak3r's blog and check it out.

Well, it's now 11:06 and I'm probably about to get the message that it's time for bed.

Bored blog says "Bai"


Scott_AW 16 years, 9 months ago

What better use of a game maker then to make a game maker with it.

Excalibur333 16 years, 9 months ago

Anywhay good luck on your competition idea. I like parkour. All my brother do Gamemaker so I get asked for help allot XD.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Never slow down on projects, you'll find it quite hard to reverse

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago


Good luck with your comp entry, and two other projects. I'll have to agree with what serpy said. Don't slow down, speed up! :D That way you can finish them, and come to a complete halt.

TDOT 16 years, 9 months ago

hmm, you're probably right….

I did that with one game once and came back and couldn't make heads or tales of my code XD

Oh, and 3k hits as of writing this comment!!!!!!!!!!!

ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the mention =)

Oh, and I know a kid who does parkour really well. Amazing stuff… some of it makes laugh though. You know, with all the flips and shit.