
Posted by TDOT on Oct. 9, 2008, 6:47 p.m.


School's been suck-ish. English continues to be my downfall, and my literature course bores me to tears. Still, geometry and Chemistry help fill the void.

Played flag-football today with some friends. Had a couple receptions and a kick return for a touchdown so that was pretty sweet =D


Picked up another project on top of PL@gine. I'm gonna try and enter the Halloween comp if for nothing else then to make eagly happy XD

However, it's kinda working WITH dev of PL@gine, as I'm running the game on it. I'm planning a platform shooter (how original) which you will basically fight hordes of zombies that will gradually become harder (e.g. eventually zombies will be fast and jump 15 feet :p ).


Yup, I recently downloaded Ruby after talking about it in IRC (I think it was cakeboy…..) I'd heard of Ruby before, but having downloaded Python and hating it (for a reason that I now feel an idiot about), I had no interest. But now, after trying Ruby out, scripting languages seem awesome. The language is simple and easy to use, but lets you do just about anything you want. After finding Ruby to be great, it made me consider other scripting languages (mainly Lua as it seems to be the most popular scripting language alongside Python). I haven't downloaded Lua yet as I don't wanna get concepts mixed together at my early stage of learning, but I plan to delve into that within a month or two.


Nothing really to say here other then the fact that using Ruby has re-sparked my interest in C++, as it's helped me understand some aspects of programming better.

Well, that's about it. ENTER THE HALLOWEEN COMP!!!

Shot Down 4567 n00bs as of writing this blog.


Evilish 16 years, 4 months ago

C++ is awesome. But it can be a long way off from Ruby. Some really annoying errors at times, and I've always got a massive list of 'warnings' I've got to debug.

Everyone keeps copying my hit counter idea, waaah!

TDOT 16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I know it's a long way off (I actually did a fair bit of C++ back when I was still reading my book), but things like methods and classes never made sense to me. Ruby helped simplify the idea and bridge the gap =D .


Sowwy, didn't mean to steal your hit counter

Cesar 16 years, 4 months ago

I've got so many hits I don't NEED a hitcounter :D

RetroX 16 years, 4 months ago

I just recently looked at a C++ tutorial, and am semi-decent now.

No way I'll be able to make full games, but I'll probably look into extending ENIGMA with it.

Quietus 16 years, 4 months ago

I couldn't really get into Python, I looked into Ruby but ended up switching to Lua. :P

Ferret 16 years, 4 months ago

I love C++, I'm learning Java now. I don't like competitions, mainly because I like spending time on games instead of rushing 'em to a deadline. Sorta like the "steam" team.

TDOT 16 years, 4 months ago

@Rawr, XD

@Retro, yeah, I think that will be my main use for C++ for a while. At least until I learn some OpenGL programming.

@hel, haha, there was just something about Python that I thought was ugly. I'm guessing Lua's good then?

@Ferret Co, Back when I started C++ I was trying to decide between it and Java =D

I know what you mean about competitions, but I don't expect to win :p I'm just trying to make it 30 entries.

Evilish 16 years, 4 months ago

Oh, and I can give you the really nice code to implement .dll loading in Enigma! Though I'm not sure how to put it above the main() function in GM, and J&D is always bitching too much to let me program it directly into Enigma.

TDOT 16 years, 4 months ago

Enigma doesn't already have .dll support? I thought that was a given what with it taking C++ as well as GML.

Evilish 16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah idk, when I was talking to Josh he said there was none, but that was awhile ago.

It's mostly because theres two different ways to load a .dll in C++, and the only way to load up all the commands at runtime is often the unused and unlearnt one.