Well what do you know...

Posted by TDOT on April 1, 2009, 9:47 a.m.

64D actually came back up. Honestly I was expecting it to stay down and never come back. Well, welcome back 64D, and hai to everyone out there. I've not been up to too much in 64D's downtime. I've mostly been playing my guitar…a LOT. And then there's the whole school thing, but I'm not too worried about that. Programming wise, I've mainly just fiddled around with some stuff. Learned how 3D works, programmed random homework solvers, just little things here and there. I scrapped my terrain deformation project, and decided to re-code it from scratch. Why? Mainly because I spent too long away from it and forgot what my code does. XD I figure once I get it looking nice I might try some simple 3D terrain deformation. See where that gets me. Anyway, seems like a small blog for such a long time away, but whatever.

shot down 6469 n00bs at time of blog
