Feed me moosic

Posted by TDOT on May 7, 2009, 8:47 p.m.

So a little good since last blog. Life is steadily improving :p

Still some suck-ish bits, but I can live with it. Who cares about that though? On to the point!

Wait…what was the point?

Oh yeah!


The point to this blog is me asking you guys for some cool tunes. Not to listen to mind you, but to play. I'm looking for some new material to play on guitar. Now, why don't I just do this myself? Two reasons.

1.) My musical palette is less than fantastic. I need a little outside aid to help me out.

2.) The songs I DO think would be good always seem to escape me whenever I look up tabs. Basically, my mind becomes a blank sheet of paper.

Now this is where you come in. I'm not picky. It can be just about any genre (although rock and any form thereof is my preferred genre :p ). All I'm looking for is something that will be fun, awesome, or any a combination of the two. The last thing I learned/am learning is Hysteria by Muse. To be frank, the guitar in it is kinda on the boring side, so instead I learned the bass bit on guitar XD

Another cool thing about the bass in the song is, not only is it epic, but it's played through nearly ALL of the freakin' song. Once you get the hang of it, you can just about play the whole thing. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent.

In review, here's the tl;dr version.


1. Thumbs up for improvements.

2. Feed me some moosic.

3. I mean good music to play on guitar.

4. My musical palette leaves a lot to be desired.

5. Hysteria? Epic.

Shot down 7244 n00bs at time of blog.


R 15 years, 8 months ago

ALSO Fugazi. Don't know how I could forget Fugazi.

And maybe Orchid for grindcore/screamo. They're one of the tolerable of that camp.