Screw Clouds

Posted by TDOT on June 11, 2009, 1:56 p.m.

I hate clouds. And rain. They screw up everything. To vent my frustration, I'm pelting the clouds with BBs. I'm badass.

Okay, so birthday's pretty much officially over. I got fallout 3 like I had mentioned and have been addicted ever since. It's one of those games where, most of the time, I hate it, but can't stop playing. I mean seriously, I walked around the wasteland for about 20 minutes with nothing but a baseball bat when I first left the vault. That pretty much SUCKS. It's been occupying my time though. My guitar was delivered two days ago and I freakin' LOVE it. I need to swap the strings out and possibly raise the bridge, but I quite like it.

Oh yeah, I got that USB antenna I mentioned a while back (when I was first using Ubuntu). Idiot-me forgot to check it out before I bought it, and come to find out it only works on Windows.


I think I might just end up getting XP Black or something and ease some of the headaches I've had.

Pixelz, pixelz. I've done a bit of pixel work. Mostly just pixelizing my avvy. I've only worked about an hour on it though. And with a laptop touchpad so I haven't made much progress :p

Hmm…I'm getting to the point where I'm just gonna start rambling, so I think I'll go ahead and stop.

Remember, clouds suck. You should shoot them too. Just ask Cesque.

Shot down 7900 n00bs at time of blog.

Well look at that. I'm 100 hits away from 8,000. Think you guys can bump me up to 8k before my next blog?


Leyenda 15 years, 7 months ago

I'm pelting the clouds with BBs.
Nooo… you fool. that just makes it rain more!

What kind of guitar? elect / acoustic? What's wrong with bridge? Bad action or buzz?

Xxypher 15 years, 7 months ago

Show those clouds who's boss.

YOU. That's who.

TDOT 15 years, 7 months ago


Yeah, I think you might be right *watches lightning strike around house*

Electric. Black Squier Telecaster Custom. It's the action. It's a little too low for my taste, and tends to be cumbersome when I hit bends.


Hell yeah. Going up against the lightning and hail of a storm with nothing but my BB gun strapped to my back.

Leyenda 15 years, 7 months ago

lightning and hail of a storm with nothing but my BB gun strapped to my back.
straped to your back? Maybe you should change you name to Rod… Lightning Rod.


telecaster sounds good. Which model?

OBELISK 15 years, 7 months ago

Clouds are dicks.

I got fallout 3 like I had mentioned and have been addicted ever since. It's one of those games where, most of the time, I hate it, but can't stop playing. I mean seriously, I walked around the wasteland for about 20 minutes with nothing but a baseball bat when I first left the vault. That pretty much SUCKS. It's been occupying my time though
Been there.

Changing strings always helps. More than you can imagine.

Grand-High Gamer 15 years, 7 months ago

Clouds keep us warm and also keep us cool. They're natures temperature regulator and they rule! Woo clouds!

TDOT 15 years, 7 months ago



Making it a bit too easy for the clouds, eh? :p

this is the guitar.


Yeah, I switched the strings up and it helped it quite a bit. I still need to up the action just a smidge though.


Screw you AND your clouds.

Toadsanime 15 years, 7 months ago

@Grand-High Gamer - I shun you and your 'oh-so grand' clouds.

@TDOT - I've played Fallout 3 at my friend's house for a while and it certainly did look pretty good. Anyway, hope you had a great birthday and stuff!