Catharsis: Release Ruin series undergoing change.
Why Release Ruin first, before other, more decidedly broken things?An Izuna Gongen knockoff is more fun to tinker with than a stage.Please excuse my horrible voice. I left it in.And finally, here is a random gameplay video of it.The only thing of note is Stage 4. Stage 4 boss is not quite ready for exposure yet.It will be soon, however. Details within a week.Edit:I've made a new Boss 6 theme. Please listen to them both and tell me which you find better.
I see you attempted to recreate Ran's final/Yukari's subfinal spellcards. But that doesn't look very "calm". ._.
It's the penultimate attack of the third stage boss :V
The final one is reminiscent of Suwako's Red Frog attack, except the trail emits less bullets, and has to be dodged.And as for the difficulty, well, I had to change it because it had a safespot right next to the spawn point -_-Bullet Hells: Because in real life slowed down bullets aren't that useful.
You know what I really mean ;3
Updated the main post.