School = Singles Convention

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Oct. 26, 2011, 5:06 p.m.


Tomorrow during school, we wear a color of clothing that corresponds to our relationship status!


Red = Taken

Yellow = Talking

Green = Single

For extra fun, let's be witty and call it Stoplight Day :V

I hated today, so much.

Sooooo many people in the same three colors.

Well, actually, I think I can break it down like this:

Red ~ 40%

Green ~ 35%

None of the colors ~ 15%

Yellow ~ 10%

All colors, or combinations ~ 10%

And it was interesting today, seeing who wore what.

Popular girl sighted wearing green.

Gets hit on all day.

Nerd dude wearing red.

EVERYBODY asks him who the girl is.

You would think something like this would have been more controversial than it was.

I dressed in red today, naturally.

My girlfriend did too, and we had matching jackets to boot.

So great then.

As if it wasn't obvious we were going out before, what with the two and a half years of general togetherness.

Apparently it wasn't, and I got asked repeatedly today who I was supposed to be going out with.

Which brings me to my point!

The nerd dude mentioned above? I was curious, so I asked him too.

His first reaction was to point, laugh, and ask if I was "a virgin or something."

Um, what?

How utterly rude. Since when is something like virginity a shameful thing to have if you're 15 years old? And this was brought up twice!

By different people!

What in the hey is this?

Because we have a relationship-themed dress up day at school, people can ask you about your sex life?

I would think not!

What is wrong with teenagers these days? :V


Toast 13 years, 3 months ago

And Rez wins the award for 'Best Use Of The Same Comment Twice In A Row'

JuurianChi 13 years, 3 months ago

High school seems like so much fun.