Lunacy Star Language Translations

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Nov. 30, 2011, 12:01 a.m.

(Spoilers below obv)

I would like to know if anybody is willing to translate all the phrases in this game into a different language for the alternate language settings.

If you would please help, that would be excellent.

I'm looking toward English and Japanese, maybe Spanish and any other languages people come up with.

The only prerequisite is that it has no fancy characters incapable of being displayed in Game Maker, such as Russian.

The Japanese translation will be done with images.

To those who are interested, all of the phrases currently present (Sans the Zero Stage, the text present in which will take considerably more effort)

"Stage # Start!"

"End of Stage #"


"### charge was lost."

"Overdrive is activated."

"Overdrive has ceased."

"Bonus! + #######"

"Super Bonus!!! + ########"

"Boss Warning."

"Bosses Warning."

"Midboss Practice Drone has appeared."

"Boss Practice Drone has appeared."

"Boss the Idiot Box has appeared."

"Boss Large Purple Head has appeared."

"Boss Battle Cubez have appeared."

"Bosses Hydra Fleet Ships have appeared."

"More annoying Hydra Fleet Ships have appeared."

"Hey, only one appeared this time!"

"The last of the Hydra Fleet Ships have appeared."

"Boss The Ancient Guardian has appeared."

"Final Boss The Lunacy Star has appeared."

"Final Boss The Lunacy Star has transformed."

"Midboss Spikey Placeholder Thing has appeared."

"Midboss Nategasa has appeared."

"Midboss 6D-4 has appeared."

"Midboss Sousuke has appeared."

"Midboss Large Purple Head has appeared"

"Extra Boss ~~~ has appeared."

"It is the killer. Do not die."

"She is the killer. Do not die."

"He is the killer. Do not die."

"They are the killers. Do not die."

"The screen is rife with killers. Do not die."

"Enemy Defeated."

"First Stage: Descent into the Lunacy ~ Atmosphere of Helios 13"

"Second Stage: Torrent of Travel ~ Great Abyssal Wormhole"

"Third Stage: A Third Party In A War ~ Warring Ring of Planets"

"Fourth Stage: Drifting Through The Unknown ~ Uncharted Space"

"Fifth Stage: Infiltrate The Base! ~ The Outer Ring Fortress"

"Last Stage: A Fateful Encounter at the Inner Sanctum of Lunacy"

"Practice Stage: Learn How To Play! ~ Training Center on Helios 13"

"Extra Stage: Beings From The Dimensional Anomaly ~ The Rend Of Dimensions"


Castypher 13 years, 2 months ago

For Japanese, do you need Hiragana/Katakana or mostly Kanji?

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 2 months ago

Either would work. I'm not directly emulating Japanese text with ASCII, instead opting to use images.

Now, the main deal really is that most of those texts are about twelve pixels tall.

Would I need to lengthen that?