Taizen's F4D: Day 4 (not)

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Dec. 10, 2011, 2:07 p.m.

you know, I really should have started before now

Oh, wait, I can't get any actual and concrete progress in until about Dec. 12.


Oh, right, I promised an attempt, not an entry.

That's…. about it.


So much for Manliness Santa shooting elves in the face with rockets :(

Other Miscellanea (that is to say Lunacy Star)

Lunacy Star 0.69 recently broke 100 downloads, 33 from here, and 68 from Host-A. Yay :D

Added backgrounds up to Stage 4. That leaves 5, 6, 0, and EX.

Added an arbitrary ranking system to Lunacy Star based on your score

To get rank 1, shoot down one enemy (the requirement is 1,000 points)

Rank 100 requires a full 1CC of the game with pretty sweet scoring (400,000,000)

Changed some cards around
