TC's Sketchblog Two

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Dec. 12, 2011, 10:40 p.m.

Starting to think maybe that making this weekly was a dumb idea.

I would make the excuse that it is midnight in some time zone, but as of this posting there is 40 minutes on the hour :<

Sorry for telling you to sketchblog, Kilin.

I had no idea it was so taxing.


JID 13 years, 1 month ago

i'm scared and confused right now…. and i like it.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago

It's just a blahposting of miscellany that no one shall pay attention to

pounce4evur 13 years, 1 month ago

I actually like your drawing a lot. It makes me smile. :P

Castypher 13 years, 1 month ago

It's okay man, yours is infinitely more awesome than mine.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago

I still wouldn't mind you posting some, though, Kilin :V

Thanks, Pounce. Kind of expecting a "you can only draw one face :I " sort of reaction regarding my art but eh :P

…Shit, I forgot Alexia's goggles.

Castypher 13 years, 1 month ago

I just have no idea what to sketchblog about, because I'm not good at spontaneously coming up with things. I write novels, not short stories. And yes, that is related.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago

I wasn't asking.

I was merely saying I would like it if you did, and there is a difference :V

I can't novel, so you have that.

I like short stories because I don't necessarily have to invest a shitton of my time into writing one.

Lucy Summers took an hour, and Mundus Dei took 40 minutes from conception to finish.

(Don't know what I'm referring to? Past blog posts.)

See a girl drawn in red complaining about me not posting the comic she stars in?

I know exactly how I'm going to end it. It's going to come out to about 220 pages long. I just started the last chapter.

But I can't bring myself to draw any more of it. I've got 70 pages to go and the last ten have taken more time than the first 140.

I think it's because I've hit some metaphorical short story / novella barrier.

My mind is unwilling to traverse that far, lol

If worst comes to worst then I'm just going to novelize it and post it here in a sequence of blogs

It would take some 100 pages in Word. That's what, fifty blogs?

Acid 13 years, 1 month ago

Make a webcomic, you have a nice, consistent style.

Practice drawing scenery.

Make a webcomic.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago

The scenery bit is for my less transient works.

I'm not going to flesh out backgrounds for five minute slides on a sketchblog :V

Thanks for the comment on the consistency. That's what everyone else who reads my stuff says.

I have considered webcomics.

I got to strip three last time.

Maybe this time will be better, because I have a scanner and don't have to draw with a mouse.

But what would it be about? Hmm..

Small Cows 13 years, 1 month ago

This blog is filled with epic swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag
