Blog previously titled "Fuck"

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Dec. 19, 2011, 11:54 p.m.

lol never mind

If there's one thing that I hold with unparalleled importance in my life it would probably be all of the data on my flash drive.

Of what use is a flash drive to someone who has an unconquerable knack for losing things?

The last I recall of it would be using it to make stealth LS updates at 3:00 AM on Friday night / Saturday morning.

(Hmm, a deja-vu of writing this blog? What does it meaaaan)

I went to bed at 3:45 and took it with me and put it on my desk.

Saturday afternoon was eventful. I went to the mall, several stores, a party, and my relatives' house.

I think it was in my pocket then.

So I've checked on my desk,

In all of the pockets of my shirts, jackets, pants, jeans, and hoodies, twice,

In all of my drawers, twice,

In between all of my books in my bookcase,

Amidst all the crap that fell behind the bookcase and collected there,

My closet floor, my closet shelves, my closet storage boxes, three times,

Under my bed, around my bed, behind my bed, between the mattresses that make up my bed,

Under the blanket, under my pillows, under my sheets,

I've checked the living room, the kitchen, my dad's office

My brother's living room, my brother's desk

My other brother's roommates' truck,

The car we drove to that party with,

I checked under the cushions on our sofa and couch, and inside the upholstery,

Behind all of the family photos on the hallway tables,

In my sister's laundry, in my parents' laundry,

Behind all of the drawers and desk in my room

On top of the drawers, within the piles of garbage on top of the drawers (folders, papers, boards, etc.)

In my money jar, in my wallets,

On the kitchen counters, in the pantries, the cabinets, the fridge

And I also checked the bathroom

where the hell else could it fucking be

I didn't go streaking or invert myself at the mall so there's no chance it fell out then

I'm literally about to cry over this, I don't think I've ever felt so frustrated over something so petty as losing the thousands of hours invested into one of the only things left in the world that brings you true happiness

And yes, I said that programming makes me truly happy.

Over nearly everything else in the goddamn world. *flips a table*


JID 13 years, 1 month ago

I'm literally about to cry over this, I don't think I've ever felt so frustrated over something so petty as losing the thousands of hours invested into one of the only things left in the world that brings you true happiness
my hardrive was wiped clean 6 or 7 times over the past 6+ years while working on twe, each time it happened, i felt like dying.(I didn't know how to backup things using usb's back then, i was only 12, so i backed up my progress sometimes on my gmail account)

so i'd have to completely redo things i've completed months ago.

i understand how you feel, it's possibly one of the worst feelings a human being could ever feel.

Alert Games 13 years, 1 month ago

this is why i have a small backup harddrive, along with dropbox. (you can use it without installing the program im sure.)

But anyway, I used to get upset about it, but getting upset wont help the situation. Last place you had it for sure is the desk, and you checked most of the places that it could have been. Check old pants and different pockets and stuff maybe.

If you end up cant finding it, which maybe it will turn up later, but you can decompile the exe of the latest program and work from there. I know a lot of us have lost a lot of work before, but it happens sometimes and you gotta do whatever you can do.

I mean, look at DSG. he has remade uduku, crimson star, depths like 5 times…….or more

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago

Sorry, but I searched through all of my dirty - and clean - laundry already. It wasn't to be found.

On the subject of redoing things:

Quote: blog Lunacy Star 0.8
I lost all of Chaos Weapon, Ricerca Strano, Lunacy Star Second, my F4D, Black And White v3, all my Touhou games, a lot of original music I made that wasn't saved anywhere else, some art, and a lot of miscellaneous other things like Sayuri-chan and FL Studio.

Chaos Weapon doesn't want to be finished, apparently. That was version eight of the engine.

I'm heading up on seven years of working on it.

Although to be fair version 8 was like six months old.

In the short term, Umbra did keep a Lunacy Star backup, but it was missing a few bugfixes and all of the final boss.

Josea 13 years, 1 month ago

Dropbox is on my phone and he'll know if it magically appears on his computer,
Yeah but, um, you know, you can use Dropbox through the website without installing the client.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago


I went to and ended up with a prompt to install something. Where's the actual website?

I might have overlooked something because I was in a hurry when I did, so I'll check it again.

Josea 13 years, 1 month ago

There's a login link in the top right corner of the website…

RC 13 years, 1 month ago

I remember when my hard drive died in 2009. I spent hours attempting to login to another account on my laptop in an attempt to back important things up on a DVD, which when I did manage to login and open up command prompt, I was only able to back up my GM projects (which were all garbage anyway) and some pictures.

I hated losing everything else, though. My websites, Oblivion saves, etc… I did cry, actually. Now that I look back though, it wasn't that bad. Sure, I haven't really played Oblivion since then, but I did improve some skills by making new websites and incomplete games!

flashback 13 years, 1 month ago

I remember when my antivirus flagged everything on my computer as a virus (including itself) and quarantined it, then quarantined the quarantine unlock program.

Getting back up and running kind of sucked, but I keep regular backups so nothing much was lost (a bit of a harrowing experience with my Adobe licenses, though).

Kunedon 13 years, 1 month ago

Ask your family if they've seen it around, even if the chances are slim.

Reminds me of the time I thought I lost my flash drive. An hour later I found it sitting in my coat pocket.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago

Dad: "Sorry man, haven't seen it."

Sister: "No."

Mom: "I don't care, that isn't my responsibility. Stop asking me."