Reinforcing Taizen's Unreligion

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Jan. 15, 2012, 8:44 p.m. 🔒

As a note to moms everywhere, please do not bring your atheist/agnostic/what-have-you 16-year-old son to a two hour church service from out of the blue and expect him to not complain about it.

Cue a 30-minute rant in the car about how I'm going to be damned to hell and punished later on in life for being a prick to my mother.

She would then go on to bring my friends into it, going all "What would they think?"

And then she'd complain about how me not being Christian makes her look bad as a parent, that she didn't raise me correctly because I don't believe in some bearded old dude in the sky who grants wishes.

You're like the devil or something.

When you grow up to have a wife and kids you'll regret it.

He will punish you for not believing in him.

And so what!

I don't believe in him, he doesn't exist to me, what is there to say here?

Do you seriously expect me to change my mind because some guy in the sky says so?

She's all asking me if I'm unthankful for my life and characteristics.

I'm certainly grateful, just not to him.

I'm pretty glad I'm as smart as I am, but that was Dad's fault because he made me scholarly as a child.

I'm not physically deformed? So are another five billion people.

And then she threatens me with such things as forcing me into some seminary or weekly church thing or something.

I apparently can't possibly live without this guy watching over my life.

Why is it, then, that I haven't died eight years ago, when this first cropped up?



JuurianChi 13 years ago

I am the Devil, and I approve of this Blog.

umbra 13 years ago

your mom…..

Eva unit-01 13 years ago

Bring it to her attention that no matter how Christian you are, no matter how much you love God and despise the Devil, that you're damned to hell anyway if he/it just so happens to not like -you-.

I used to go through this stuff all the time with my mom when I was around your age. My dad used to call me a Devil boy lol.

Eventually they just accepted it.

I do get some weird looks during Thanksgiving though, especially when it's time to sit down and say grace, and I just stare at them.

Anyways, just hold steady with your beliefs mang.

Castypher 13 years ago

Being agnostic one of the better choices I've made in my life. To me, religion can be very demanding, and the religion I was a part of growing up countered most of my views. I'm not going to say anyone's religion is wrong. The point of agnosticism is that I don't know whether or not a god exists, and I don't claim to. I just accept whatever happens.

But overly religious families can be such a burden, and the use of the word "overly" means that I'm not being insulting here.

Eva unit-01 13 years ago

Yo Kilin, highfive me bruh.

umbra 13 years ago

in my mind, i think god finds it annoying on how crazy most of his worshipers are

Castypher 13 years ago

Exchanging +1s is the new high five!

JID 13 years ago

Speaking of religion, found this video today. Mentions how Jesus hated people who used religion for their own self-righteousness.

JuurianChi 13 years ago

This blog reminds me of a story:

I was stuck in the middle of a talk about religion.

The two main people going back and forth about the topic where getting on my nerves.

So I said:

"Christianity is bad and you should feel bad.

Atheism is bad and you should feel bad.

I mean c'mon, Buddhism is the best religious view."

Then I finished with a "U MAD?"

Castypher 13 years ago

@JID: I'd log in to YouTube to thumbs up that, but I really didn't like the poem format, even though it was very true in my eyes.