Reinforcing Taizen's Unreligion

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Jan. 15, 2012, 8:44 p.m. 🔒

As a note to moms everywhere, please do not bring your atheist/agnostic/what-have-you 16-year-old son to a two hour church service from out of the blue and expect him to not complain about it.

Cue a 30-minute rant in the car about how I'm going to be damned to hell and punished later on in life for being a prick to my mother.

She would then go on to bring my friends into it, going all "What would they think?"

And then she'd complain about how me not being Christian makes her look bad as a parent, that she didn't raise me correctly because I don't believe in some bearded old dude in the sky who grants wishes.

You're like the devil or something.

When you grow up to have a wife and kids you'll regret it.

He will punish you for not believing in him.

And so what!

I don't believe in him, he doesn't exist to me, what is there to say here?

Do you seriously expect me to change my mind because some guy in the sky says so?

She's all asking me if I'm unthankful for my life and characteristics.

I'm certainly grateful, just not to him.

I'm pretty glad I'm as smart as I am, but that was Dad's fault because he made me scholarly as a child.

I'm not physically deformed? So are another five billion people.

And then she threatens me with such things as forcing me into some seminary or weekly church thing or something.

I apparently can't possibly live without this guy watching over my life.

Why is it, then, that I haven't died eight years ago, when this first cropped up?



JID 13 years ago

It's because of the poem format.

Not going to lie, it does get kind of confusing sometimes. I wish he didn't try so hard to rhyme shit and just talk.

colseed 13 years ago

had a feeling it was that, lol

but maybe part of the reason organized religion doesn't make me feel completely warm and fuzzy inside are things like this

(related to the story of a certain Jessica Alhquist)

still haven't finished reading up on that, but found it interesting as of far.

JID 13 years ago

EDIT: Dammit stevenup, it took me like an hour to write this comment, then you edit your comment and delete the vid that you posted. That was the whole reason why I wrote this comment. >:(

The second half of your video confused the fuck out of me.

The only way that I see that the guy in my video contradicted himself was by saying he loves church.

Anyways, I don't see why people spend so much time trying to prove that god doesn't exist, because they think it's rediculous that there is a man in the sky watching over us, yet they find an explosion that happened randomly, created the entire universe and populated it with humans, animals, trees, water and all sorts of life, or they believe mankind was here forever, for absolutely no reason.

All of those seem equally unbelievable, if you ask me, and truth is, is that everyone is equally confused by this shit as the next person, but they create what they believe and claim it to be the truth. In all honesty, no one could ever really say that what someone else believes is wrong, because everyone is pretty fucking clueless as to why we exist and no one knows for absolute certainty, that there is someone watching over us but, the only thing we're driving on is belief. Belief if there is, or isn't a god, belief that Christianity, Catholic or Islam is the right religion.

Who's to say that someone won't burn in hell, for all eternity if they don't live their lives right? Who's to say that the universe was or wasn't created by an explosion/god/a fucking taradactle.

You should never look down on someone because they think differently to you, and that's what the guy in my vid was trying to say, even though he didn't do a perfect job. The guy in your vid was just looking at every small thing he got wrong in the first half of the vid, then in the second half, he was just ranting about Jesus and how he thinks that it's unbelievable or rediculous that Jesus was specifically thinking of you when he died, when humankind's very existence is pretty unbelievable.

Every single theory of how mankind was created is an absolute mindfuck, and can hurt your head just thinking about it. Whether it be we were created by God, or created by a random explosion that created the universe out of nothingness. It's all very confusing.

Now I'm not sure that I want to talk about this subject anymore, because I'm not the best at this and I'm fucking confused out of my mind right now.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

yeah, I remember some thread devoted to religious discussion a while back so um if this would be locked great thank you I got my point across and now blog is over

JID 13 years ago
Eva unit-01 13 years ago

Bros, lemme tell you how cool those stories are.

Bawww I'm jis kiddin', you gaiz are awwwlright *pats on the back*

panzercretin 13 years ago

Fucking Great Wall of Vaginasand.

God's not real, Satan's not real, Satan is still cooler than God, Buddhism is the way to go.

Stop analyzing every cunting thing like it'll change something when you do.

Eva unit-01 13 years ago
Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

That comic was oddly satisfying?

Moikle 13 years ago

I believe in anything and nothing.

I will not accept anything as the truth, but I will accept that it COULD be.