Lunacy Star Second Progress

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Jan. 26, 2012, 2:30 p.m.

Working on games that shouldn't exist yet? Bad Taizen.

Anyway, progress is as far as one would expect in thirty minutes of work.

I'm starting out with GM 6.1 firstly, will move to 8.0 here and there for me to do compatibility and function things.

(Hey, I want a subtitle! Someone suggest something to be because "Lunacy Star Second" will look tacky in the border!)

Gear Axis ship looks retarded now, but it isn't as if I'd remember fully how it looked exactly to the pixel.

Power system is in place! I guess the general rule is

0% power = regular shot only

25% power = options

50% power = upgraded regular shot

75% power = extra options

100% power = insurance

Like how in Touhou Fuujinroku, bombing took one power, but your power maxes at 5.00- and your actual output stops developing at 4.00.

So if you bomb with 5.00 power, you don't lose any effective firepower.

But then after that Touhou Chireiden came out and everyone was sad.

But that's not the point!

Continuing on,

The screen frame is in the center, rather than in the side. Most of the HUD information will be in that frame, rather than in the border.

The frame is 340x480, although I might expand it to 360x480 just not to be retarded.

Also so I can make it compatible with vertically-oriented monitors. But what squares have those, am I right?!

Star System and Points are not yet in, but the multiplier is in place.

It starts at 100, which the game will parse as 1.00 x.

That means it maxes at 9999!

Oh, yeah, and you can't move yet. I'm programming in gamepad support from square one, bitch, so that way there's no finageling with it when the game's almost done.

You can shoot though, and therefore we can have enemies.

Although immobility might make for a literally impossible game.


The Great City Horror was MP3 - itized. It sounds much better now, but is about 140 times bigger than the Midi file ;_;

Intense Chase Operation might have been made, were I not completely terrible the last time I sat down in Composer Mode.

And the main menu might be - Another!- remix of Unsanctuary. Yea or nay? Whatever!


It's not quite a game yet by definition, but

It's almost scary how without-a-hitch things are going!

I added a GenericEnemyCreate() shortcut that I desperately needed in LS1, basically all it does is shorten the instance creation bullshits down into one line.

Also going to add a MacroEnemyCreate() to create entire strings of enemies.

Global Sound Controller was imported from LS 1 and allows me to play sounds once when they're called simultaneously.

Shottypes are working like a charm.

Focused Gear Axis shot is Gear-A blast missiles shot from LS1 and unfocused Gear Axis shot is Gear-B homing missiles. It'll also have a brand-new bomb, rather than the old way with the boring explosions.

Solar Hydra will work similarly. Focus is lasers and unfocused is needles. I think that rather than bursty, the lasers will be continuous.

The third shottype… isn't the 6D4. It'll be something else, and my secret until I release a demo (which might be sometime in April or so)

Stage 1-1 was started, the first enemies don't shoot at you, like in Stage 1 of Lunacy Star 1.

At least not on Original mode.

I'll be working on implementing sexy parallax backgrounds like in typical Cave shooters and refining the way enemies drop things.

Typical enemies just drop pickups, while larger enemies will end up making their drops spiral around in lage circles before falling.

It's a stylistic choice.

I'll also be making some preliminary form of the border, and implementing the boss system.

I have something special in mind regarding the boss handling system in LS2, as opposed to LS1, which supported only one "boss" at once.

The fourth stage boss and extra stage midboss don't count. Those use subordinate objects.

Another stylistic choice is stacking the healthbars, like in Touhou, rather than compounding it all, like in Cave and LS1.

And I'm still debating taking the Cave route of "EVERY BULLET IS EITHER BLUE OR PINK; NO OTHER ONES ALLOWED"

Just go to YouTube and check out Mushihimesama or DoDonPachi to see what I mean. Should I do that? :/


Eva unit-01 13 years ago

Lunacy Star II: Back in Action

Lunacy Star II: This Is The 2nd Lunacy Star

Lunacy Star II: Play Me

Lunacy Star II: Creative Name

And the best one

Lunacy Star 2

Mairu 13 years ago

Lunacy Star II: Sachem's Safari to Saturn

Zhiko 13 years ago

Lunacy Star III

It'll fuck with people.

JID 13 years ago

Lunacy Star II: Rise of the Dead Babies

You know what, why are we even talking/debating about this? Just name it Lunacy Star 2.

Zhiko 13 years ago

Shouting out random suggestions is considered debating now? I should join a debate team.

Eva unit-01 13 years ago


*starts a debate*

And that's how it's done, people.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago


I can go for LS2 for now.

In other news

It's not quite a "game" yet as it is "watch the swirly trails of stars appear and scoop up as many as you can"

Zhiko 13 years ago


Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

Oh, yeah, you can move now. I need to change the script for it however because it's got that "left takes precedence over right" and "up takes precedence over down" bizwhack going on.

So moving diagonally northwest to moving diagonally southwest will require you to first let go of the "up" button, resulting in horribly clunky controls that all shmup fans are required to hate.

On the bright side, I no longer am running into an issue with diagonal speeds being faster than cardinal speeds.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

It's almost scary how without-a-hitch things are going!

I added a GenericEnemyCreate() shortcut that I desperately needed in LS1, basically all it does is shorten the instance creation bullshits down into one line.

Also going to add a MacroEnemyCreate() to create entire strings of enemies.

Global Sound Controller was imported from LS 1 and allows me to play sounds once when they're called simultaneously.

Shottypes are working like a charm.

Focused Gear Axis shot is Gear-A blast missiles shot from LS1 and unfocused Gear Axis shot is Gear-B homing missiles. It'll also have a brand-new bomb, rather than the old way with the boring explosions.

Solar Hydra will work similarly. Focus is lasers and unfocused is needles. I think that rather than bursty, the lasers will be continuous.

The third shottype… isn't the 6D4. It'll be something else, and my secret until I release a demo (which might be sometime in April or so)

Stage 1-1 was started, the first enemies don't shoot at you, like in Stage 1 of Lunacy Star 1.

At least not on Original mode.

I'll be working on implementing sexy parallax backgrounds like in typical Cave shooters and refining the way enemies drop things.

Typical enemies just drop pickups, while larger enemies will end up making their drops spiral around in lage circles before falling.

It's a stylistic choice.

I'll also be making some preliminary form of the border, and implementing the boss system.

I have something special in mind regarding the boss handling system in LS2, as opposed to LS1, which supported only one "boss" at once.

The fourth stage boss and extra stage midboss don't count. Those use subordinate objects.

Another stylistic choice is stacking the healthbars, like in Touhou, rather than compounding it all, like in Cave and LS1.

And I'm still debating taking the Cave route of "EVERY BULLET IS EITHER BLUE OR PINK; NO OTHER ONES ALLOWED"

Just go to YouTube and check out Mushihimesama or DoDonPachi to see what I mean. Should I do that? :/