Being an Excellent Writer

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Jan. 28, 2012, 11:36 p.m.

I suppose "shitty condensations of the plots of all of my projects" would have been a more apt blog title, but it wouldn't have fit in the RA box.

Is site activity slightly slower in the past week or is it just me?


I might pursue writing some serious works. But before drafting up some shitty-ass novel idea, I thought I'd make a chronology of the plots I've written before.

I'm much more inclined now to take stabs at newer, fresher, less shitty renditions of any of my older works, now that I'm not crap at GM, so if anything here sound even remotely interesting to see with my newer skills, the answer would be a resounding… "maybe."

It will however be interesting as many of my older works had nary a week put into them so updating them would result in a lot a lot a lot of little minigames that I'd produce on a free weekend, so if you needed more pointless things to engage in every other week, feel free to say something to me!

Older titles closer to the bottom.

So let's see:

Ricerca Strano: A guy tries to save the princess who is trapped in the tower, finds that once he finally does that she is a manicial lunatic- and a lesbian at that- and ends up being subservient to her plans of kingdom conquering.

Chaos Weapon: Some dude with the help of a god rediscovers magical powers, uses them to attempt to form an ancient apocalypse weapon composed of lesser element gods that the player party first have to smack down because they are tearing the shit out of shit.

Black and White: Master adventurer thief Taizen Chisou enters a tomb and explores things. There are multiple endings that depend on where you go when, and your Mission Control will do her best to steer you into every average ending.

Lunacy Star 2 (2013): Spaceships over there, kill they ass.

Lunacy Star (2012): Some dude creates a hole in dimensions and a weird homocidal starcraft thing spills out. The logical course of action is murder.

Unnamed comic book (2012): A girl works for Death as a grim reaper. Cheesiest, narmiest, most overly dramatic, ploddingly written thing ever. The rest of the story can be found in a spoiler tag below.

JetXGen series (2005 - 2009):

- 1 : You are a spaceship and you shoot things.

- 2 : You are a spaceship and you shoot things.

- 3 : You are a spaceship and you shoot things.

- 4 : You are a spaceship and you shoot things.

- 5 : There is a living, sentient, crazy as shit battleship/asteroid/military base/factory/planet thing flying around somewhere out there producing rogue fighters that shoot at cities until they explode. Also, it's so big that it itself not only is the final boss, but Stages 19 through 22.

World around Bobby comic series (2006 - 2008):

- One about time travel. A kid genius person finds out from future versions of his family that he has been murdered, so he sets out to prevent his death.

- One about nuclear bombs. Kid genius experiments with nuclear glass panels (don't ask) result in bombs capable of crystallizing the air into radioactive shards of glass. Terrorism plot.

- One about agnosticism. The actual protagonist Bobby asks his older sister about religion and ends up with an enomous lecture from her that goes over every single religion ever. Done as a school project.

- Maaaaany other one-shot comics that were funny at the time

(The kid genius is the protag's younger brother, you see- the actual main character remains largely out of focus most of the time due to his slacker/comic relief/Generic Guy Who Does Lots Of Women/college student profile not meshing well with the serious stories.)

A comic series about college students (2010): exactly what it says on the tin

Mundus Dei (2011): A short story about a guy in an asshole-itarian government who gets jailed for the better part of his life- the entirety of the story except for the ending is his hallucination that the drawings he scrawls on the walls have become it's own existence and as it's creator he was it's God.

Lucy Summers (2011): A short story told in reverse chronology about a lonely old woman who is revealed to have been insane and killed her husband sometime in the past without anyone knowing and letting her house fall into extreme disrepair- she dies in the end (or the beginning, if you're technical about those things) and her old dusty decrepit house is left to sway in the breeze.

A Matter of Chance (2010): A 26-page English assignment for sophomore year detailing the adventures of a man named Nathan who has the extraordinary ability to shape the future to his will. He is captured by the government who figures his scheme out in Las Vegas and it is up to his colleague, Claire, to find and retrieve him. But all is not as it seems…

To Kill A Mockingbird: The RPG Gaiden (2010): A four-day English assignment for sophomore year loosely based on the book. The only canon in which Mrs. Dubose, the elderly and cranky morphine addict, will tornado you with her walking cane and you can return the favor with a baseball bat.

Neutrality: 2089 (2007): An RPG platformer where a small passing colony meteorite gets caught in the crossfire between the warring human settlements on Earth and Mars and winds up getting shot up all into bits. Our protagonist, a white, largely featureless alien being, crashes onto Earth and attempts to make his way back into the sky.

a comic strip that was such a horrible rip-off that I actually managed to block my memories of it- I recently found it and life has been sad ever since

Blox 1 and Blox 2 (200X): Platformers about block protagonists… jumping around and collecting shit. Also discriminating against the boss characters because they have actual angles! Oh, I kid. There was a story to this, but you'd have to ask Umbra what it was.

Promptly cancelled because I was too retarded at the time to figure out how moving platforms worked.

Blox 2, on the other hand… was a Cave Story ripoff. Shooting in four directions and collecting Life Expansions and finding Stars in Stages to open Doors to more Stages and oh my I am so original

Acceleration: Space (2004): Essentially every GM user's Very First Shmup. You're a triangle, and you shoot balls at helicopters, who drop presents, that emit rings when you shoot them, that fly in zigzaggy patterns?


Stay Alive (2004): You are a smiley face. Gravity is your worst enemy. The platforms are bouncy. Everything wants to kill you. And there is lots of those flying around. Anti-you measures include the basic arrows flying around left and right and bouncing epileptic rainbow sawblades to the falling timebombs and SEETHING GEOMETRIC CONTEMPT in the form of purple triangles that home into your position, to LASER SQUARES THAT RANDOMLY APPEAR AND SPIN AROUND.

Oh, yeah, and rocks that do nothing but take out your blocks.

Sprinting Person Professor Man (not actual title, 2004): From the narrative, paraphrased:

"One day the professor created robots, but their automatic learning AI made them total assholes, so they're going to bomb every complex at your university unless you run around (and nothing but run) and escape every building ensuring there's no one inside, and getting to the VERY LAST ONE and FINALLY shutting those metal bastards down."

And I think that's kinda it actually. Yeah, how great was I when I was ten? :V

Here's the plot to that comic book mentioned above:

Sana Sekigai was born in the 1770's.

Her mother died in the process, however.

She lived in Hell under the house of Death since birth, him having Grim Reaped her mom's soul.

On her fourteenth birthday, she was given a job- as a Reaper of dead and lost souls on Earth. She left Hell pretty much forever.

Working at her job for 230 years made her somewhat cynical of the human race. She is one of them herself, but really quite isn't , all the same.

One day she gets a job from Death to prevent a train bombing.

The series presents the idea that ghosts linger in the real world when the soul of someone with determination or something die- as sort of some second chance to do whatever it was they needed to do.

If she fails, there would have apparently been a massive outpouring of ghosts, as people who learn they're about to die develop a fierce will to live.

She boards the train and flips out because she cannot interact with humans, her being some astral plane person.

She fails to save the train, but not without the assistance of some guy who can for some reason see her.

As it is his fault she failed, she is about to kill him, but fails, because at that moment, Death teleports in to tell her that she's been fired.

So she's stuck being human. She pisses off Death yelling at him (because you know she was practically his daughter or something) who summons a shade of a character that was dead before the first page because he doesn't want to fight her himself.

The ensuing battle causes hospital-required injury to Sana, who ends up collapsing, gets taken by the guy whose name was revealed 40 pages after his introduction as Tono Yoshino.

Hospital televisions say that the end of the world is coming because portals to Hell have opened up fucking everywhere and demons and shit are pouring out and about to murder everyone and their dog.

Tono breaks into the locked emergency ward of the hospital and finds Sana's mother (who would be 270 now mind you) over her unconscious self.

She stops the nightmare locks she's stuck Sana into (for harvesting bits of her when she dies in them for Shades for Death) and she regains consciousness. She finds her mom, they have a bittersweet conversation ending in "kill her."

Sana's mom gets shot by her and due to some apocalypse bullshit all admittance into hell has stopped and her soul sort of just ends.

Entry into Hell is over because of the whole revenant soul business being kind of not what we're wanting here- we want a total absence of human consciousness, see- so people and demons alike who die from this point on are just sort of done with existing.

Sana takes off on a motorcycle leaving Tono in the empty room despite any injury she still may have sustained.

Then the narrative switches over to Hell, where secretary Esora Paine is being a bitch and teasing Death about being Sana's father, and yet being an enormous asshole at the same time. Then they have implied fornication time but due to Death's stance on the matter it was probably closer to "rape."

Sana and Tono have to bust into Hell if they want to go and shoot the place up with bullets somehow and not the standard way- that is, dying,- to stop the Apocalypse.

So they have to jump down a hell-hole.

Luckily, the nearest one was in Kyoto, Japan (The rest of the series so far taking place in cities like Osaka and Nagano) so they go there and OH LOOK THE APOCALYPSE HAS STARTED


And the narrative switches back to Hell because I hate drawing action scenes.

Death explains that Sana's real father was an angel from Heaven, as a dramatic ploy from them to populate Heaven's banks because faith in them has been loosening for a while and they desperately need more miracles/angels/godliness going on for people to believe in God, and it's that faltering belief that's weakening him to begin with.

So angels descend every 52 years (slower time up there) and have demigod children! They always ascend to Heaven (as was spilled by Esora to Sana and Tono, who asked why them dying would automatically end up with them up there), so more people right?

Death chose to kill off the remainder of the human race within three months because three months is slightly less than a day in heaven time.

Esora seems to be trying to get in his pants again but it doesn't work because he actually brushes her off this time. She notes that she actually got a real, human, emotion from him when she mentioned Sana's REAL father and has to try to get it again.

Sana and Tono wind up in Hell and make it to Death's crib where they find him, but not his secretary. They go into a long emotional speech about things that are going on and then Death has some sort of cathartic revelation about things regarding him and his not-daughter Sana.

And it was this display of human emotion that tethered him back into mortality long enough for Esora Paine to emerge from the shadows behind him, and kill him.

Death is dead, and the Apocalypse has stopped.

Esora reveals herself an angel from heaven told to stop Death's plans immediately and to any measure whatsoever required.

And she succeeded.

That way, with the lack of Death, God would undo all of the world and immediately rebuild it all, starting history again anew. so he could completely redo all of his follower base.

And he very nearly does, until Tono Yoshino decides to keep a little bit of balance, and become the next Death.

All of the humans have gone, and Esora is stuck in Hell, given she thought everything would end through God's divine will.

She eventually offs herself, and her soul simply fades away.

And because there are no humans anymore, God's power dissipated before things could have been rebirthed, which only truly happened due to Tono taking up the stand as Death.

Sana returns to Earth, and sees that there are absolutely no people left, as they were all erased in what would have been a great reset button on existence.

Tono offers to extend his powers back onto her, so that she, like him, would live. But she doesn't accept, and dies when her time comes.

And in a world where there is nothing, one man wanders the earth, eternally deathless, and composed of one who is nothing but.


Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

It took me a long time, but I added a condensed version of the plot to the comic book. That way, I don't have to actually show it to y'all.

JuurianChi 13 years ago

I read the plot.

Reminds me of the stories I come up with.

(This is what happens when you have "really" religious parents.)

Acid 13 years ago

Yeah, it's SUPER SLOW.

It's crazy to look back on how much you've done and just think about everything that you've written, drawn, coded, etc.

It makes me feel better about the things that I've wanted to do, but haven't accomplished yet.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago


I wouldn't have correlated the two, honestly.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Going through my old project files fills me with a strange combination of nostalgia and self-pity.


No, really, I will remake Stay Alive and it will be more addictive than sex.

Toast 13 years ago

I'm an excellent writer.

Excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent.

…yeh, it's been a quiet week here at 64d.