The first of my mini-projects ( read my last blog ) is a redoing of my old old old project/game thing (possibly my first real one?) that was made back in like 2005.
You can download the old version here: new version features platformey gameplay and allows you to stomp rather than force you to bounce and break blocks all the time.…I have to go to Physics, but I'll update this later.Obstacles in place! Rocks that serve no purpose but to destroy your footing and saws that bounce around and will kill you!I'd ask if it looks a bit more like a game if people paid attention to me qqMUSIC?The old version had stolen demo music from FL Studio. Not this time!Also, they're in MP3 :VTitleGameOH GOD VIDEO TIME
^This is the one I liked.I liked "StayAliveOpen" more than the other.
Ah, I figured.
The game track had to be done in like fifteen minutes because class almost let out, and it wasn't even done from scratch like Open was. The original cut was a .mid, soooooThank you, though, for listening. The game is probably already a fifth of the way done, so you might see it next week.Added explosion bombs that will 1-shot you and random laser squares that take out large portions of blocks at once.
It looks as if everything in that vid is suffering from severe epilepsy. D:
I can't tell what's going on, tbh.Nvm, after watching the vid a few times, I can kind of see what each object does now.It's essentially some sort of bullet hell platformer with explosives, squares, homing arrows, sweeping arrows, disappearing platforms, bouncing rotating sawblade-looking things….
On the bright side, there's a healthbar in this one, opposed to 2 hits dead in the other one.It's just that explosions will very likely kill you in one hit.It's also addicting as shit. I just sunk my entire 4th period in playing it and a single run usually takes thirty seconds D:I have to say, for a second I thought you were talking about this game
Well it's not a very untouchable title.