You see, I don't like promoting my channel anymore because the last time I did a group of Canadians went through and added stanky comments and dislikes on everything.But whatever.I was bored.
"My YouTube channel doesn't even have videos!""Yours doesn't deserve to have videos.""….that was just rude""Have I ever told you how terrible you are at this?""be quiet"lol
I'm almost certain those are unintended effects from this tablet's camera.
It adds a really cool motion blur and bloom effect, doesn't it? I'm tempted to make my own runthrough with it recording. And hey! No recording lag AND with sound!
"My YouTube channel needs more videos on it."
"My YouTube channel doesn't even have videos!""Yours doesn't deserve to have videos.""….that was just rude""Have I ever told you how terrible you are at this?""be quiet"lol:rimshot:
this site censors canad ian
whatSurely you meant Canadian?
Eskimos are pretty much the worst internet people.
I am very jealous of your video game playing imouto. :(
You should be nicer to her though.The graphics in Lunacy Star are starting to look a lot better.
I'm almost certain those are unintended effects from this tablet's camera.
It adds a really cool motion blur and bloom effect, doesn't it? I'm tempted to make my own runthrough with it recording. And hey! No recording lag AND with sound!No, really, treat your imouto better. And don't swear in front of her. >=[
I don't care if you replace fuck with F, it's still teaching her to be improper.