Taizen's Projects

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Feb. 17, 2012, 4:06 p.m.

All right, let's see what all is on my plate right now. I just read Kilin's blog and went through and was like "Yeah, I'd like to play that!" on a couple of them, so I was just wondering and stuff what people thought.

Let's begin..

Lunacy Star

Oh, this one. We all remember the torment. Idiot Booooooooooox

So yeah. Bullet hell shooter we're familiar with. Touhou-esque gameplay and complicated scoring system and all that.

It's listed as a WIP, mainly because the extra business is missing. No Tutorial Stage, no Extra, no options menu, no replays, no attack practice. Not yet.

Lunacy Star Second

Sequel to the above. Easier easy mode difficulty, harder hard mode difficulty.

Also flashy as shit effects all out the ass. Shorter bosses and longer stages with explosions and everything.

Ricerca Strano

RPG sort of deal done in a Dragon Quest sort of setup, with random encounters and turn based goodness. The princess you're trying to save is actually maniacal and you get drafted into her effort to take over everything.

Chaos Weapon

Another RPG. Presented like Final Fantasy titles.

Magic comes back somehow and some guy decides to lift your highschool into a floating island, and annexes seemingly random landmasses to the island. Then it turns out that the annexations all hold element shrine-type deals where dieties of elements come out and smash things up. You beat them down and the bad guy tries to combine all their shattered spirit forces into a doomsday weapon that will eradicate continents en masse.

Black and White


Taizen Chisou is an adventurer thief who is now inside a mysterious Egyptian-esque tomb. Go explore and loot shit.

Also, you find some girl named Kozuka Kashiyaki inside who acts as your mission control. Her advice points you to one ending. Go elsewhere and skew the story. Depending on who you encounter, and when, you all might survive and leave unharmed. Or not.

And that's about it.

No, Umbra, Stay Alive is not on here.

So tell me what you might be interested in…?


Rob 12 years, 11 months ago

Be sure to force your imouto to play them all.

JuurianChi 12 years, 11 months ago




I would go for Chaos Weapon or Black and White.

umbra 12 years, 11 months ago

Yay. Chaos wepone is the one i would like to finsh, i realy want to see/ play Ricerea Stranto

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

Chaos Weapon has been in development for almost 8 years now. It's either inevitable, or futile at this point :D