Lunacy Star Second 0.4 Release

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Feb. 23, 2012, 11:06 a.m.

Oh, it's that guy again with his horrible bullet-hell games


Arrows to move, Z to shoot, Shift to focus, X to bomb.

The engine was built from scratch this time, so go easy on the technical details this time!

I have no spriting experience~~~

The bosses in the game so far are all trapezoids that read "Placeholder Boss Sprite."

Can someone please come up with some spaceships for it? Thaaaaaaanks~

(there are only three, two are bosses and one is a midboss)

Since the game only has five stages, I'm terminating the demo at the end of 2-2.

The game will be both polished and severely unpolished.

I realize how that sounds but bear with me.

It was started from scratch a little under a month ago, and I've never had the development cycle go this fast.

YouTube videos (slightly old) :

Random runs:

Stage 1-1, 1-2, and first boss:

Screenshots of what is to come:


Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

Oh, excellent, three consecutive updates without feedback. I still exist, people :V

Anyway, I guess I already have some changes to make.

External audio loading, for one, but also some things like stage timing

went to PoC before the Stage 2 boss and it spawned on me

and multiple shot-types. Also, high scores and the evaluation screen, but only because people care about those things.

JuurianChi 12 years, 11 months ago

"I still exist"

So do I.

Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

Let me suggest some things.

1) It's great that you're making progress, but you may post updates a little too often. You're killing your own hype

2) GRAPHICS (looking much better, but some more shinies would be nice)

3) Nobody here likes bullet hell =<

4) Try some innovation on the traditional bullet hell formula. You may not appeal to the diehards, but I like seeing when new twists are made


Also, making a sequel when the first game didn't do well isn't good. Honestly though, LS1 needs touching up and access to publication. I wish I could help there, but I can't.

colseed 12 years, 11 months ago

3) Nobody here likes bullet hell =<
I'm OK with bullet hells once in a while, but if the difficulty on this one's anything like the first game…

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

Kilin, you haven't noticed the bump in filesize, or the saying that I added MP3s the ghetto way, have you? Ah, this was on a different thread.


Progress is continuous. If I don't jump on it then it dries and I go entire months in a sort of comatose state where the most I can produce is a page of comics about every week.

I posted parts of my book, updated my music, and posted this game, and they fell off the Feed in two hours each, tops. So I dunno :V

Define "shinies."

Innovation will be saved for the third entry. Yes, I have ideas. No, they will not be acted upon, not for a Very Long Time.

LS2 is supposed to… in a way, replace the first. Better music, graphics, gameplay, all that.

And by "gameplay," I mean "it isn't as, on the whole, derivative of Touhou."


On the easier of the two difficulties, Stage 1-1 is supposed to be like, ridiculously unchallenging.

It'll pick up to LS1 Calm Mode levels near around Stage 3-1 or so.

Of course, it's all subjective, you know?

colseed 12 years, 11 months ago

i shell hez to try et then

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

what does hez mean

also some guy set a new highscore, it's 39.1 million

my highscore was 33 million ._.

colseed 12 years, 11 months ago

pronounce phonetically and it might sound like a badly slurred "has"

but anyways downloadin' now :U

colseed 12 years, 11 months ago

OK, difficulty does seem better now (i actually managed to progress through part of stage 2 before losing)

Incidentally, are there more bomb pickups or something? I accidentally bombed a few times and still had 3 or 4 left, without any idea how

And it seemed like "standard" mode was where you get all upgrades at the start, whereas "advanced" mode requires the player to pick up upgrade-things first - that right?

would have played it a few more times but my eyes have been strained all day for various reasons so i would rather not subject them to more seizure material bullet hell than necessary

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

When you say Stage 2, do you mean 1-2, or 2-*?

You get 4 bombs per life. Dying refills your stock.

Both modes start you at 0% power. You pick up red orbs to increase, and your extra shot comes in every 25% up to 75%.

Thank you for playing it ~

You see, Stage 1 in LS1 all had fast bullets, right? Haha, well. Now they're elsewhere :]