Preschool Transvestite Unit

Posted by Taizen Chisou on March 11, 2012, 4:39 p.m.

So I'm back from camp but blah blah blah forever alone.

Anyway, my PMD/6FoolsD entry.

I figured I'd try to make it some genre that I haven't quite tackled yet.

So it's not a bullet hell, a turn-based RPG, or a metroidvania.

It's not a TDS, a life sim, an arcade game, or a collection of minigames (because that would be weird)

Is it odd that I've never attempted a hack-and-slashy-punchy-stabby platformer title, yet? One might think that I've had attempted one by now.

But eh.

It'll star none other than the characters who fit the characterization and theme already from Lunacy Star 2: fourth stage bosses Jacob McKinney and Amanda Spears.

Whoops, spoilers, there's two fourth bosses. But that's not the point.

So you have these two four to five year olds, right?

And they're cruising around an underground city named Madness on the planet of Helios 13 (read some of the LS text) beating up hapless things.

And then badness occurrs and you have to stop it.

Gameplay would feature around the two of you doing things. You can switch between the two at a moment's notice and the AI will control whoever you're not. The game will very very very minimally feature RPG elements- only things like HP and damage obtuse-ness.

And the stages will probably be like ten or so minutes long and there will be five of them or so but whatever and that's the extent of my planning


Rob 12 years, 9 months ago

Where do the transvestites come into play?

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 9 months ago

(You'll probably fail to guess which ones Jacob and Amanda are at first)