oh my god best title
Anyway, blog time again!I recently broke 20,000 hits, so thank you to everyone who clicks on this shit, I greatly appreciate it <3Going to table all projects starting next week in favor of effort for my R4D entry. I really, really, wanted to actually make an entry for one of these things, you see.Besides, I'm sure people can wait for an LS2 update that no one will experience anyway because I'm just adding level four and five and let's be honest, raise your hands if you've beaten the third bossSo it'll be a Streets of Rage/Scott Pilgrim clone except with moar swords. Also, magic and shit. I've worked out how gameplay will work, and Charlie might put together graphics and probably some of the story.So you run around this 2.5d environment sticking things with swords or slashing at them with claws until you beat the bosses and win.Best story!I'm honestly not aiming for much more than a 90 minute playtime, so don't expect much.What you should expect, is the level of difficulty that I traditionally put into all of my games. Because if you didn't know by now that the developer side of me is a sadist, then there is no helping you.So:You are this guy. (Or girl, if you so choose.)Use the arrows to walk around.You are always either facing left or right.Hitting a button over and over again causes you to attack.Another button is your hotkey for your magical spells. Hold it down to change what you're casting.Another button is the menu. It displays gametime and character information. And that's it!And that's it!Of course there's extra bullshit like quests and leveling, but are there rules against me lifting the relevant code from Chaos Weapon?I'd write down more, but I don't have much else to say! :V
Sounds like it'd be fun to play.I'm also aiming for around an hour or so of gameplay for my entry, but knowing how short I make my games, it might be less.DaggerHog Comments on Taizen's Blogi'm aiming for combining the skills that i've picked up from Chaos Weapon (RPG basics) and Black and White (fighting things like combos and maneuvers) in it, so look forward
oh my god 90 minutes is so much longer than i thoughtthat's likethree times the length of my other gamesIf you don't finish this comp, I will never forgive you.
neither will i ;_;
Hah, I forgot that Charlie also had ideas of his own :V
We'll see how close to this the game turns out but, the style remains the same.I am declaring war against you and your game.
It's on :V
And now a word from my associate:lol cool it toast it's good
all of our work is conceptual right nowand speaking of:The setting will be an urban-type deal.One of the characters gets a club and a riot shield.Two others have firearms.You switch between the four characters at will. They all have different applications, so try not to kill them all too quickly and get stuck with one.The graphics won't suck <3Plotting out the story.
We've got these four characters planned out.I'm going to turn a couple of tricks for the presentation aspects of the engine