Sort Of Everything

Posted by Taizen Chisou on April 24, 2012, 9:45 p.m.


Someone should come up with the stage title to Lunacy Star Second's final stage.

I can't come up with one, and my best attempt would be "Rendezvous in the Scarlet Underworld."

It should be more epic.

The context is that you're underground at the core of the planet and are about to fight the final boss who is essentially a sort of god, because it's attacks involve destroying the universe as a weapon against you.


Planning out our progress on the RPG entry is going pretty fine right now.

But time will tell of course.

I'm coming up with ideas for the placeholder HUD before Charlie goes an actually sprites it out.

First thing on the menu is to set up movement, control, and collision detection.

Then the HUD, then the user interface (main menu, pause), then the cutscene engine, which I shall dub after the title of our game, and import into the ninth version of Chaos Weapon.

The text engine is planned to handle character portraits and colors and text effects such as shaking and rainbows and italics.

I figure I can plot out the damage formulas a little bit more before it really begins to matter, because

weapon strength * attack power / enemy defense

is not going to cut it for me.

I've drawn up skill trees for each of the characters, they're all specialized.

Vector (name subject to change) and Brenna are attack-oriented, Vector being a direct attacker and Brenna inflicting status effects and using drain spells,

and Seamus and Carrie are defense-oriented, getting stat buff/debuff spells and healing spells respectively.

I'm using the Chaos Weapon naming system, which is derived from a composite of Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei, so bear with me.


We are allowed to use .dlls, right? I'm going to be using all of the .dlls present in LSS, if it's alright. There's only seven of them :V


Stream of thought time!

Today I had a bunch of people flip shit because I was gay.

Not angrily, more like shock.

They pulled the "I've known you for seven years!" card :I

Also, yesterday was international food day at school. It's like some sort of obesity festival. I brought fried rice. People only ate 3/4 of it and the rest got to feed flies. Then again 0.5m3 of rice might have been a lot to bring.




Where have JID and Qwilderwibben been seriously

The guy I like looks really hot in sunglasses <3

I saw him outside at school today, but if he saw me, he didn't show it :<

It's finals week at school!

I'm not studying and I'm still pulling 53 / 55 's

It causes hilarious reactions in my teachers because I usually sleep or read in all of their classes

I wonder if people noticed that the shirt I wore today was too small.

Is this enough content for someone to pick something to comment on?

I was supposed to be filling out applications for jobs

I wonder what happened to finding my social security number, mom

My poor ghetto car sits on the driveway not being run for weeks at a time

it must wonder why we hate it's battery

(when I really hate the fact that it only has two doors)

(that whore)

I've run out of the books by Neal Shusterman to read in my school's library -_-

I wonder why [furry] never comments on my blogs anymore ;_;

i should probably get to bed

but naaah


McFluffeh 12 years, 10 months ago

This is the first blog I've seen you post.

So here's my comment.



EDIT: I do the same things in class, sleep (My core classes). My electives are actually pretty decent.

Toast 12 years, 10 months ago

Poor, poor new members

FamousJellyfish 12 years, 10 months ago

McFluffeh, he was using the usertag. He didn't actually direct it towards you. Sorry for the confusion.

Oh, hey, Lunacy Star Second creator guy. I remember you from Charmeleon's review on the GMC. Cool.

McFluffeh 12 years, 10 months ago

Well then.


Exit Derp

Me.Derp = True

Call Derping()

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 10 months ago

lol usertag


I don't think Charmeleon's posted any other positive reviews, which shocks me.

Well, other than Four Pixel, but I'm not sure how you quantify a game like that with Lunacy Star Second on the same scale.

I think he's been banned from there anyway :V

FamousJellyfish 12 years, 10 months ago

Charmeleon's review of Duckman's Plactoid was positive, as were a few others, I believe. And no, he's not banned. He just doesn't like the GMC, so he doesn't post anymore. Pretty simple reasoning, I guess, but I don't think it's a bad place to post on… so I dunno.

Well, what do you mean "lol usertag"? I'm sorry, I'm new here. I was under the impression there was a tag, called usertag, which displays the name of the person who is viewing the comment/blog. It's been mentioned in several other blog entries. You're the only one I've seen who actually uses it, though? What an elusive device.

Zhiko 12 years, 10 months ago

I tend to do the same thing in my classes. Except my mark tends to vary depending on the class. For example, in pre-cal I got an 84 because for some reason I'm really damn good at maths. On the other hand, I'm currently scraping through French with about a 52 last I checked.

McFluffeh 12 years, 10 months ago

usertag is the tag he uses to make people feel like their actually special to them, when really he's just being an ass and making me feel unloved.

Is 52 passing where you live?

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 10 months ago

Jesus christ [furry] I'm sorry


53 / 55

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, that's pretty much it :V