Taizen stole my title

Posted by Taizen Chisou on April 30, 2012, 9:52 p.m.

(Edit: Obviously, informative titles get you nowhere :V )

alternate title: Two Hours of Work on TC's RPG4D

or: Taizen Chisou is Being Too Hopeful, Part Two

From when Toast uttered those marvelous words

start whenever you want
to about thirty minutes ago, I was hard at work on my KH/TWEWY/Scott Pilgrim-esque thing.

But as of now Charlie Carlo's still slaving away at the graphics. Poor guy.

(Someone tell the man that 100x100 sprites are too big.)


Here's what I've got in so far:

Three objects

Three sprites

194 scripts (most are DLL imports)

Two rooms

Stat system

Pause/ character status menu

Running around

Preliminary HUD with HPMaxHP format, also, in the Chaos Weapon stat colors of teal and orange

The stat system features the standard magical/physical attack/defense, plus dexterity, which will be used in defense pierce calculation and critical chances.

(You can block and if your DEX is low then you might get staggered)

Running around works- your character will pause to attack, so time will tell if the stuttery motion that produces is too awkward to handle

I even avoided that bit where you end up moving faster diagonally vs. cardinally, and the character will outright stop moving and listening to you in the event you ask him/her to move up and down or left and right simultaneously.

Pause kinda works. The game isn't "paused" yet, but it'll pull up the menu. I'm planning for it to like pause the screen with a screenshot, layer a moving translucent background over it, and then have the menu on top of it.

Still to come would be cutscenes (which would probably be handled with a composite of timelines and a framework of my devising) and a text engine.

The text engine is to support multi-colored multi-lined multi-formatted strings with text effects.

Like, the text engine will support displaying strings in this format.

Text effects include shaking, waving, and rainbows.

The story is largely under Charlie's domain, but the story as I have collected goes roughly like this:

In some roughly Philedelphia-esque city setting, monsters descend and four average teen-to-twenty-somethings band together despite never having any background with each other and embark on a journey towards self-betterment, interpersonal interactions, and city-saving through kicking a magical senile man's ass.

Music will be a joint effort between me and him, I think.

In any case, it's bound to be pretty hilarious juxtaposing drum-n-bass-n-piano with… whatever the shit it is that I make.

And that's it, I think.

get hype


Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

Oh, I didn't explain where the title "Fuck-Butts" came from

TC > Hmmm.

TC > Quick, think of a title.

CC > What?

CC > For the game?

TC > For the game.

TC > Game title.

CC > …Fuck.


TC > You know, I named the folder 'butts' already because we didn't think of a name.

CC > "Butts" works too…

TC > I propose a compromise.

TC > Fuck Butts.

CC > …that sounds uncomfortably homoerotic

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

You would title a game like that.

I guess I should title my game as:

A nice life together: The Geek and the Red Head - A JuurianChi Story

Or how about

Lesbians!: JuurianChi's Return to eroticaland

Or how about

Skinny Asian Overload DUX

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

It's a tentative title :V

You didn't read the explanation, did you?

flashback 12 years, 8 months ago

You didn't read the rules, did you?

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

No curse words in blog titles. But it'll still be the name for the next couple days/weeks until we come up with something else.

I needed my first warn sometime anyway :V

flashback 12 years, 8 months ago

Your cavalier attitude is amusing.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

It was bound to happen at some point, right?

The GMG and GMC issued warns within my first weeks there :V

So sorry. If you're appending extra warns because you think I'm lipping you it's because I need to remember that sarcasm isn't quite as obvious over the Internet.

We'll come up with a better appropriate title within the next week.

And if not,

Breath of Castle Death Fantasy 7-2 Advent Tactics Advance : Reckoning

colseed 12 years, 8 months ago

^ not sure whether trying to get more warns or simply oblivious

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

Well clearly it's the latter.

What are you talking about?

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

Call it Futt Bucking instead.
That's a ferpect idea.